Show HINCKLEY III HAPPENINGS About tho most moat Important event of Ot recent happenings Is the real estate deal between R. R E. E Robinson and C C. C R. R Woodbury the former having sold his home at South Main Street to the latter Mr Pair Robinson will move onto his ranch east of town which he recently bot bat from Clarence Pack Mr 1 Woodbury is one or of our local merchants The draining machine Is 19 idle again owing to the tho scarcity of tile tilo but moro morn tilo We Is expected soon and work will be bo resumed The Relief Society is preparing to put Dut on play entitled Lighthouse Nan They havo have an excellent cast and will guarantee your moneys money's worth Bryant Moody and Fannie Cooper are taking the leading characters char char- characters and anyone who has seen these two young people on the tho stage will know that the play Is bound tobe to tobe tobe be a success M Marquardson and wife of at Richfield Utah are nrc here staying with Mrs Marquardson's l father and mother moth moth- er Mr Dir and Mrs W. W J. J Carter Dir Mr Marquardson has been In this locality local local- ity tv before and the country looked I s so so good that he has decided to to loc locate t I here permanently He Is now looking lookIng looking look- look Ing around for a place to rent for this year and will buy later on Pratt Wright who has been attending attending attending at at- tending the tho A. A C. C College at Logan has returned home Quite a number of our town tov people i have been attending court at nt Fillmore Fill Fill- m more mono re tho the last two weeks Tho The Infant daughter of ot Mrs Hazel Whitehead has been seriously ill with pneumonia but is reported better better better bet bet- ter at this writing Chas Chaa Burke and antI Mrs Richard Parker have haye been to Idaho to attend tho the funeral of their father who died recently r Farmers are busy plowing and preparing to put in their spring crops From present indications the farmers are pr pre preparing to carry carryon on their end of the war by putting In every available acre May their theft efforts efforts ef et forts torts not be In vain |