Show NEWSY NOTES ABOUT FOLKS Mrs Sarah Johnson Johnn of Holden Holder is j spend spending the week here visit visit- visiting ing ig relatives and friends fends Mss Miss Myrtle Myrlle of Hinckley has accepted apted a position at the Hotel Delta Bartley John of Clear Clar Lake was as here hr again Monday to take home a span of fine horses which he h. had purchased from F F. F H H. Neil Neol Uncle Jim Melville Melvill returned Monday from a business trip trop to Salt Lake Lak Uncle Jim Jm talks Delta no matter where whre he h. goes and h he h. Impresses ses em m th that Delta is the pi place Mrs H H. F F. Alley Aller departed last Thursday for a three month VISit wIth relatives 10 n Illinois and OhiO expecting to return home along about the first of the year An Andrew rew n and Ed Marshall Mar Mar- shall have returned from the eastside of the county where thy they have been thrashing for several leveral weeks They Thy expect to take ake their the machine to Abraham this his i week b where 1 they h have several sev eral jobs contracted thrashing lurn lucern seed The Delta Delta FIllmore Fill more Auto Stage Stag has been discontinued Bolh Kil- Kil pak pack having turned the busses over to S. S M. M Hawley Hawly the mall mad carrier arror out of Oasis Mr Haw ley Iy makes Delta daily dally to get gt eastside eastside east east- side passengers and returning de d. de livers westside passengers either theral ther- ther at al Delta or Oasis as at they thy desire denim J J. A A. Daly and family left the first of the week for Panguitch where they thy will abide hereafter having traded his farm here for fora a residence there The Th Daly family were wr well liked here and had prospered but hut inasmuch as aa they desired a change hang we w. hope hop that they thy will realize to their the fullest expectations in 10 their thor new nw home hom Bartley Bartly John of Clear Lake was here her Saturday attending to business matters of a personal nature and greeting friends In Inas Inas as much as Bartley Bartly is of the th republican re publican faith he h. was well pl pleased pleas pleas- ed d with the tho result in the senatorial senator nato ial al race in 10 Utah but on the other hand was a little disappointed to sees eee few fe of of- hie hI own his ow ewo political faith slaughtered in the race rae for county officers I I I The Continental Oil Co have purchased a building site ite north of the depot near nar the Ih track and andare andare andare are going to establish a distributing ing ong plant here for Millard Mollard County Coun ty expecting to put on an oil wagon and deliver their products product to the surrounding towns in th this county The Th Continental Cois Co is one on of the biggest oil concerns doing business bumes m in the west and selecting Delta as one of its principal copot distributing points willbe will willa willbe be grin a benefit to our town and the surrounding country J J. J W W. Damron Dennis Sr Sr of Deseret was a Delta visitor vitor Monday favoring this office with an ag agreeable agree agree- able call all while here Mr Damron Dam Dam- ron run ha has been ben a resident of Deseret for the past Bast 89 39 years havon having lived at Kanosh prior to taking up his residence there for years He served as an Indian War Veteran and end suffered many hard ships in m those early arly days yet he ho heis heis hois is apparently hale and hearty harty for fora a gentleman who has hoc reached his seventy fourth seventy fourth milestone moleton There Ther is i. nothing suits SUite us u. better belter than Ihan to set down and chat with wIt one of those elderly men mn who have by th their grit It intelligence frugality and sterling quail qualities II of character helped to convert th this thu one once wild and wooly west into a ft most peaceable desirable place pia of abode |