Show Deseret Doings I Mr MIS i Cart Carl D HIS Daj nt Dat spent Saturday and Sunday m 11 Prof Maw or of the B. B Y U UP P Provo w was a in town on busm IS Amos Maxfield of Pleasant Green reen mud made a visit to his hla ol ok 01 horn home last Mr and Mrs Mr Copning IDelta I 01 Delta were wr gusta of BISho and id Mrs Damron Sunday Sundy Dr C C. A A. A Broaddus attend th the arrival of f a bouncing boy ai aith th the hum home of J J. J H H. H Western a fw few days day in- in Dr Tab Talmage and J J. J Golden Kimball were wr entertained at horn home of M J. J Hate during th their attendance at conference I Mrs MIS R R. L L. Woodward who ac so computed her hr daughter daughter- Mrs Jersey back to o Provo on the returned Sup Sunday morning Mrs Mr Victoria on a I from the tha L L. D D. S S. HOSpital 1 rs visiting Wm her parents V n Black Mr r. r J Mrs and andrs Chr irl pets expects to take a atil triP til east ast this summer She Will specialize in 10 some om a particular lint Ion with Mr i and aitu Mrs ia Pay and Mr Hunter of Lynndyl were in m at at- the Stake confer confer- fence Sunday Their visit f t aside I ly from organized organize its r ward n nee to the l new newly wa we t tto to Mr Pay the of un on- meeting an old friend Nd 11 ad dna The he gentlemen il t An- An ban haa not met mt since their thIr turn return fromI from I Flordia lordia Jho Batty Btty of 01 Toquerville who spent the summer Sommer here hrs last yearn year yar in 10 n the interest of the Ogden Bee Be and ind Honey Hony Co Ox has concluded this th is a good o count country in which to live hv as evide evidenced ad by his hi is return wl With hs fa family 0 an and household goo goods 3 Mr r. r Batty tty who has ban aland already al al- ready proved hi himself Be f capable and m industrious S w with his family family fam fam- ily lie heartily tily wale welcomed a by our citizens I I Chi Chas Baker Bak recently of Chi Chi- cago but now a resident on the lower lowr Deseret project assisted Insisted by y Mr of Hinckley is isit at it work on a 0 three thre p piece ece sai set st of scenery for the tag stage I in the new i school building Mr Baker whose vho e avera several I years experience as is designer and decorator aa as aswell well veil as an being in artist all Fat of oF no 0 s mall should wants r the school O board a it u I able piece of i work as wall l an one that w will add to the beauty of r the interior of the building et Stake Conference was held here hem on the l and I while not well attended Saturday Saturday Satur Satur- day due doubtlessly to the press of spring work was wait largely attended at sit- tended Sunday and at both evening sessions which were wr de- de to Sunday School work The Th Sunday School officers are a to tobe tobe be b. congratulated for presenting a program of so many excellent numbers The Th appearance of Miss MIS' V Vi Wooley ooley in kindergarten work and nd Dr Broaddus in 10 his able abl talk on the Care of the Eye the timely talk of Golden Kimball Kim ball and the excellent musical mUSlI musicalS numbers all go to prove pro that the S S. S S. is i. intended to meet mt the needs of 01 every vry day dy life lif as an well wll wellan as an developing the Spirited pirital and nd talented Dr Talmage of 01 the quorum of 01 f and J J. J Golden Gold en n Kimball added deep dep interest to the regular a sessions I of f the conference with their thIr air excellent address dr an and imd timely advice Ward organizations were effected for Lynndyl and Sutherland which wh I by the by is to the north and the Abaham The pupils word ward of ili the was wait eighth reorganized grade and their enterprising R. R L. L Woodward were wr in bringIng Prof Crew supt of Utah county schools here hr for a Iture one on night last week wk Prof Crew Creer proved himself an interesting and nd able abl speaker and thoroughly well posted on educational conditIons and r not in our state but bOlt throughout the United States Stats Could his talk been ben given guen before the people of the county much of the feeling would have ben been His points along this thin thought lit were wr well wll drawn and conclusive sive The Th speaker was wait pleasantly surprised to find the movement for better schools so 0 in our community and most moat heart heartily ly congratulated the taxpayers of Deseret and nd OasIS on their motive and energy in the magnificent school building which IS now nearly Prof Creer express the hope hop of many thinking people popl of lof both towns was when he h. so suggested g the school ahou should d be he the nea Blue for not only better wor work and stu study jr but that it should become me mea a social center where whre old as well wellan as an you young might partake of the spirit Ur 11 education cabon |