Show Woodrow Writings The Jolly S will meet at the home of Mrs Jerome Tracey Trac- Trac ey Friday April Mrs MI Jos 1 Boyd daughter of oJ Mr and Mrs James Jame Ilan of has w arrived I e with her family to spend spent the summer ummer with b her er paren parents Its near Omaha The dance at the Woodrow school hinan house which whir was announced ed d for far last Sat t. P P. M M. was f 1 postponed pained because of th the death of Mr Shield Shields The wives daughters and and hearts oi of th the re members of the Water Users User's association are are a I re qu ate to to accompany p the thee e eb I b bers ere m In the future and m meet a at at I Mrs Traceys Tracey's for a social even even- mg The tiny I little baby haby girl girt born horn to Mr and Mrs Itle Howard Abbott Sat A A. M M. is being beng tenderly oared ared for and the delicate thread I f of f life is perceptibly strengthening strengthen strengthen- rrT mg ing each day ay so that great hopes hope are entertained that sh she he will remain remain re re- main maIO to gladden hearts of her fond parents and grand grand par par ants ts Mr William Sheilds formerly of Los Lee An Angeles eles Cal pisse passed i peacefully a away Sat Am- Am 1 lIth I aged ged 55 years Mr Sheilds was wasa a man of rare patience and for for- j he J. J Throughout his to long g ill illness illness ill ill- ness he v was always cheerful e f a and hopeful i ing and faced the able ble with unusual serenity Beng Be- Be I ng mg of the qu qUiet et industrious and known domestic 1 t outside u type fj he of f his was immediate not d well I r i t circle of neighbors but won tt the e a universal esteem of those these who s knew new him and his death casts a J madness over ever the little town of I t t Woodrow His bereaved widow has bas the heartfelt sympathy of I the he tire community in 10 her I hour our of sorrow Mr Sheilds I t was aa born hernia in Canada and was as the he last of his lB family with the 0 a i rt of an elderly I sister s tw feeble to travel r. r He was an odd Odd Fellow of good standing and his death has bas brought in 10 closer touch the members of that Fraternal Fraternal Fraternal Fra Fra- Order who are an now war residing ing in m the Valley Hu HI remains ere ere laid to rest in the Delta cemetery Monday morning accompanied by a large group of sorrowing friends |