Show NEWSY NOTES I ABOUT FOLKS Mrs Im H H. J Meyers yen ers made a sh tion on to Salt mLle Lake Lak like Wednesday Mrs Jack Thurston returned Wednesday from a visit with her he h. h husband a parents at Morgan William in e t It hl ice ce hl Miss iss McGown It returned Monday from a trip through Texas Okla and Colorado A band dance and the music furnished by the band hand is an announced need ne- ne ed d for for Saturday night at the Marsom D D. A A. Bunker left Wednesday for Salt S1 t Lake and 11 where personal business demanded demand demanded demand demand- ed his attention n. n Mr R Kicker Ricker ke keme came me in I- I from C California Call Cali- I forma fornia Wednesday sy to look after the erection election of a grainery on his farm in m the north trac tract Richard Smith took advantage of the excursion rates to the home coming at Spanish Fork and left for there Tuesday to tot greet t former ormer neighbors and friends Frank Beckwith Beckwit h and tv wife I fe Mrs J J. J E E. E Andrews Mrs m. m N N. B B. B Robinson Robinson Robinson Rob Rob- inson and Jack Thurston were entertained in 10 ma a very agreeable manner Inner by Mrs rs A. A B B. Ward at at luncheon S Sunday nd Mr and Mrs Ogden and M Miss Mis Emma Christensen Christenson of Richfield arrived here last Friday and ted With the formers former's daughter Mrs George Dobson until Tues Tons day made the trip over over- land Mrs D. D E. E Hogan and children of Abraham took the tram train he here Wednesday do morning for Sa Sell Salt Lake where they will visit ht her ber parents for several everal weeks week Mrs N. N B. B RobInson formerly a resident of De Delta to b but now a resident of Salt Lake is spending spendin the week here with friends the guest of Mrs A. A B B. Ward and Mrs Garnett Mrs Airs J. J jriE E. E Andrewa has secured secured ed the this agency y for the Troy Laundry Laundry Laun Laun- Laundry dry of Salt Lake City and solicits your patronage in 10 this line as string perfect satisfaction and and prompt return of nf all bundles sen sent David Rosenbaum of Brigham City arrived last Friday to look it after h hIS farming 1 interests ests on onon out outon on the south tract trac which is r. tended tended tend tend- ed by Fred Haumann Hamann a popular young batchelor of that progressive progress progress- ive community Joseph Manderfield and L. L A A. Merrill were here Sunday and took a trip out over the north tract viewing the growing crops especially the sugar beets and sizing up the many stacks of fall gram grain These gentlemen are firm believers in 10 lathe the delta country predicting it to become the greatest greatest great great- est cot agricultural region of the great west wt when it is developed and properly farmed formed Come to the delta country |