Show THE OLD J JUDGE SAYS I i 1 f I 1 l r t v i I i h i F I r ti t if If J A lot of storekeepers in town are worrying worrying worrying worry worry- ing about being able to get help these days Judge Men are mighty scarce and gettin more so all the time timet I 1 know Even the big companies are arc having quite a job getting them Yep and they need em too Take the beverage distilling distilling dis dis- tilling lUling companies for example they need needa a lot of manpower Though they're not making whiskey any more they're doing a hour a day a day job of turning ou out alcohol for fori i I j f. f f l L l gun powder and synthetic rubber for the government II Makes me think back to the days before repeal when a powerful number of people were making liquor too only they were a n bunch of law flouting criminals doing it behind closed doors And the government wasn't collecting a billion dollar excise tax either cither Ever stop to wonder where the government government gov- gov could get all its war alcohol today if it weren't for the beverage distillers oj of TI s Inc In |