Show Of Personal Interest t I Mrs Gerald Riding made a trip to Salt Lake City on Friday and Saturday Satur Satur- day Sa Sam Wilde of the Brooklawn Creamery Creamery Creamery Cream Cream- ery spent Tuesday in Salt Lake City where he transacted business Mr Air and Mrs Gerald Sampson have havea a new son born March 5 lN f f L The Te months 18 old son of Mr and Mrs Vance who was taken to Salt Lake City two weeks ago for medical treatment is still seriously ill Mrs Pew tress has remained therewith there therewith therewith with the baby and her mother Mrs Chester Jacobs and Mr re returned returned returned re- re turned to Delta this pas past pass week Dale Johnson of Delta has been initiated in in- initiated In-I In into the Beta chapter of Lambda Lamb Lamb- da Delta Sigma national L L. L D. D S. S social social so so- so-I so cial fraternity at Brigham Young Uni Uni- varsity one Forty-one students were Initiated in initiated initiated In- In in the ceremonies Milt Harmon has been transferred to to A American Fork and will leave for I there In about one week His position with the railroad there is an advancement advancement advance advance- I ment Mr and Mr Mrs Jay Tolman from St. St George visited in Delta on the week end Mr and Mrs Fenton Gardner spent Thursday and Friday of the past week in Salt Lake Cit City I a I i Mr a and nd Mrs LeGrande Black re returned returned returned re- re turned to Delta Sunday from Salt Lake City where they had been to 1 visit Mrs Blacks Black's father Richard Nixon Nixon Nix Nix- 1 on of Holden Hoden who is seriously ill III inthe Inthe in I the hospital there I Mrs Jesse Farley Warren and her small son left Delta Saturday to re return return return re- re turn to Blackfoot Idaho after a visit here with her parents Mr and Mrs Oscar Warnick Mrs Warren will join Warren at Blackfoot and they are making preparations to go to Florida where Warren has been called on active dut duty Mrs Zola LambrIght and two children chil dr dren n. n and Mrs Ernest Rich and her daughter of Cal are vIsitIng visiting visiting visit vIsit- ing at the home of Wilford McClellan Mrs Carlie Carlle Davenport and children of ot Salt Lake City are this week at the home of Lathel Callister Mr and Mrs D. D J. J Stevens of Oasis have a new daughter born March 2 Mr and Mrs Rodney A. A Wright of ot Hinckley have a new son born February February February Feb Feb- 28 I Mrs J. J W. W who has beer been n in Salt Lake City for two weeks wit with win h father who Is seriously ill returned d home Monday Mrs Lucian Hinckley returned returned t to Delta this past week from Fillmore where she had been visiting her sister sister sis sis sis- ter who had been seriously ill I George Ashby drove to Provo Saturday Sat Sat- Saturday Saturday and returned Sunda Sunday with Mrs Ashby and their three children who had been visiting there through the week with vath Mrs Ashbys Ashby's mother Mrs Payne Miss Virginia Hougaard spent Saturday Saturday Saturday Sat Sat- and Sunday visiting in Manti ManU with her parents Mr and Mrs Eldon drove to Manti ManU Saturday to a family party for Mr brother who has been called to the service from there Wayne Vayne returned home on Monday after visiting in Salt Lake City and Elko Nevada I Junior Gardner from Dixie College 1 spent the week end in Delta with his parents Mr Mr and Mrs Clair Glair Gardner Junior had recently returned from a trip to California the college debate debate debate de de- bate team and told of the highlights of the trip He returned to St. St George Monday Mrs A. A A. A Tyree of Salt Lake City spent a short visit in Delta this week with Mr Tyree at the station She returned to Salt Lake City to see about about about a- a bout their property there and expects to return to Delta soon to make their home lame Jl ii I Mr and Mrs Warren Jensen of Salt Lake City visited in Delta Saturday and Sunday with Dr and Mrs M. M E E. Bird Mr W. W H. H Dean from Beaver SuperIntendent Superintendent Superintendent Super Super- of ot W. W P. P A. A and Wendell Vendell Paulsen Regional Director from Cedar City were in Delta today Thursday I on business pertaining to our waterworks waterworks waterworks water water- works system being installed by W. W P. P A. A Miss Mary Gardner has been seriously serious serious- seriously ly ill ll at home for the past week |