Show hw to avoid illness health talk by frank W of tho utah public association strengthen our physical ph being the lic althy bumann liae hae luo the to cast castoff attacks to which a weal ened extein s adem falls ii victim vic tini fortify your our body against by living as much aa as poa in abe opall nir air if your occupation 14 i largely hi doOrs take frequent and regular io in I 1 the open breathe deeply of 0 the tile lif lit os gun eat hat moden tely of puro pure and nourishing 11 ouri shing food at sto that our bill of fore tire is pro proper many persons Ie tsong suffer because their diet is ie too largely cli white bread potatoes rico rice and litif artinko art inlo lw drink an abundance of pure puro water kleeli with bour our windows open winter oe as well m a summer or ietter still aue w A it aop la ing porca pore avoid mold all alcoholic drinke it inks and patala medici medi chies uee regular boura hours aal sloop 1 at least eight hours out of tho tw twenty auty four avoid mold undue work hard bard and cheerfully but not 0 to o ex avoid mold exposure to disease do da not tempt fate if duty calls cn lla you into tile presence pre senco of disease take tako every possible against remember Reni omber thit most die alefs tire from per eoa son to I gaurd against tho 1 I infection of others cull call the tile doctor promptly giten of illness early dio diagnosis gnosis and trtat treatment ment is essential ee of cure aad to tho tile pro lection of otherl ott iori 1 ditico tile doctora do otora by tho development nud and til ot of divenee di u remember that cold colds grippe typhoid tuberculosis ind amny othe r diseases tire eon inous an and that OUR one pitt elit hotot others alpy faithfully tho the orders and regul of our doctor and officer avoid avold melancholy brooding up on your condition ill is e due fine to a morbid orbid tri state of lind tulni 11 dothene do flippo tiling and cheerfully livo for fo r others aud anti not for ou relf alone all and you arc are likely to ft a long a li beppy tippy and a ufus life |