Show THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS LOST EACH YEAR TO DAIRYMEN THROUGH IMPROPER COOLING fl T t A U in time times of cold weather prepare for hot weather lee lc in a northern state prepared by the th united state depart anent of agriculture each ear da irmen lose thou thousands brids of dollars from n turned sour milk poor butter ani ard ion loi quality cheese these losses are largely due to improper coolant coelln of itile and cream on tho the fann farm oc ac conling to dairy spec specialist lal lor l or good results milk and cream should be cooled to 60 50 degre s or lower and find held there and uj ahli usually can best be done ba I 1 the use of ice dairy inui I 1 take nd vantage of any ray nearby near by lake or stream to 0 obtain a supply of ice for next year ice 0 cost littie the tile ice fee harvesting season fortunately comes at a time i ahen lien there la ii the hast host ork nork on the fam fatti tomen find teams and con consequently tho the mone cost Is usually not very grew the quantity of ice lee needed deminds upon udon the location of the tile farm whether in tie the north or ii I i the south the num ctr of cows milked and tho the method of hii litt idling the product in the northern nor thirn rn states it hai has been found that i mith a modern moderately tely good ice house one half of a ton on of ice fee per co cow Is to cool cream and hold it nt at a low for dilli eri ao 00 1 or three thres a meek eek one and one half 0 tun imi toni per cow should be provided aided who mill Is to be cooled capacity of ice house houses A cubic foot toot of ice about 57 pounds so in storing ico lee it Is custom nry ary to allow from 40 to 60 ta cubic feet per ton loll for tho the mass of ice lee at least 12 indies must be left between ihu vie ice pad the itell 11 of tho the building for insulation su anle junices s the tile ice house has per insulated nils and nn on unusually large space for insulation beneath and aloe tho the ice lee IN here ere a lake pond or et am of clear mater Is not available some pre Ilin Inary mork nork in preparing tho the ico fee beld field mill bo be required before frening fret zing weather lier seta sets in it Is therefore adus able to make all plans for tho the boik as imon as possible ble water for the tile lie ice eui sul ply choul I 1 be entirely arm from contamination or Iol lutlo sluggish streams usually ustia lly have hare brass gras and meeds eeds growing in them so that mot the lie ice fee la is likely to contain de caged eget nile ni atter which Is atmas objectionable they should ther therefore fore be thoroughly cleared of 0 such groi a before tle the ico ice haa has formed in some sections it Is necessary to ir r pound the water unter for producing ice this may inny be done either by excavating and mi dh diverting ertIng a stream into the excavation ca or by constructing dams dam across low areas in localities chere here very low temperatures prevail for or several weeks nt tit a time ant and the supply of f pure mater inter Is limited blocks ot of ice may be frozen in n woul cans or tn in special filter containers contal nera in harvesting ice lee it I 1 Is to hare a field feld of 1 to till the fee ce house at a single CUTI Vig as 03 tho tile th iciness and quality of uie the ice mill voll t ie e more nearly ant uniform form and the nee sary nary preparation for cutting and bar estlow eRt irig need iw be trade but once lu many In however the elie size ot of the pond or stream ti 14 euch such that it Is necessary to wait all for a second crop in order to fill 1111 the ice fee house the average overage fanner farmer requires only a compare eliely small quantity of ice lee 0 so o that een eien a small hari cAtIng surface will mill usually larce large enough especially if ico ti Is cut the ahn tine iho ve 11 square feet at 0 a require deer per t ton 11 hen the ice lee ie Is of different thick a ii 1 flimin in the follow ln table SIM size of cake 22 dy by 1 1 2 1 inches square feet of ice surface required per ton of ice thickness Num number berof of cutting CuttingS bac pact of 0 ire ice cakes required required inches I 1 er or tun I 1 er ton 4 va 14 4 u 1 3 Is i big U ID 10 lit its 13 12 10 4 laa S 1 14 to 89 sol 14 tl is S 1 19 to 20 63 1 U 61 if is i few toole required 1 hen a email small quantity of ice lee Is to bo be but few tools nrc are tile foll nning list contains cont alne thosa 1 actually needed for ice lee on a cale scale amo ice saus one hund hand inar marker kerone one pulley and rope to I 1 alts 1 of tec ice tong i two ice hooks one pointel bar and one straight edee edge lille ilee tool tools are all that are necessary additional ones euch such ae as ill horse plow and marker horse scraper and marker marior and a it calking bar are con entena ail at 4 1111 hip help to expedite the forb worb of if it hal alting |