Show TIME FOR SELLING PIG CROP much depend depends upon price of feeding material materials and development of done mu mus i and vigor the best time ti me to sell the pigs depends upon the tho price of feeding ma that may be utilized in growing them and und sg their bone mus ele cle and vigor and preparing then therl for tha fattening period when we have gienty of forage bekim milk and other homegrown home grown food we often and it ad vant ageous to allow them a longer period ot of growth than when we feed an grain diet diel market de do mands are for a medium sized hog with penty plenty of lean meat strong but not too coarse boue plenty of activity and tb to stand up well during shipment fall pig dig as a rule are lees less profit ate nl unless the feeder can utilize what would others other 1 laa be waste feed la in keep ing then them through the winter pigs that nuke make good gains galas during abd tbd th aln III ter and can be put on pasture in the fring spring and then fattened in the fall often make good gains during the longer periods and cash in fine profits in tho fall on account of coming to maturity at the th bt time to bleed for spring litter litters wa we have tall fall far rowed ROWS town very desirable for creed IDS ing purposes the second season elves gives them the bone and muscle develop ment at a very low cent warm drinking water light vann warm add dry quarter quarters succulent t food with frequent reque ut change ct cl bree ding and diet will insure good growth daring during the winter but unless we ve are in the bajt hape to look after these details det alls we me fand it b st to confine our feeding to pring spring litters the fall fail pig that into goes the winter without a warm place to sleep kud and plenty of warm nourish azg food has a R winter of it misery beton |