Show II III III I 1 OPINION p i d' d III j That Man Wiggam How great is the sadness of our souls Some Sonic of our dear freshmen secretly gained admission to E. E A. A Wiggam's lecture and heard the awful heresies of science Now there is no getting along with them No longer will vill they stand in awe of the seniors senior's erudition no longer will they respect respect the en- en I minds of our beloved professors For now they know the tIle truth truth all all Is heredity And the little little lit lit- tle tie brats realize that they have plenty of that being a good deal nearer to it than most of the fac fac- Furthermore they learned that intelligence is only ability and so of course decreases with in increase increase increase in- in crease in education observe education observe our educated men How can we expect our freshmen to understand that Wiggam really really really real real- ly doesn't want them to quit school For For he distin distinctly y said that those without intelligence need edu edu- cation We would also like to impress impress impress im im- im- im press on on the minds of the freshmen freshmen fresh fresh- men that Wiggam himself despite I appearances to the contrary has been educated having studied even that dear philosophy But then even if they do stay in school what wha can we do with them 1 |