Show Varsity Play To Go On Road Wallace Billy Goates manager of the varsity plays In the Next Room has just returned f from m an extensive e tour of southern Utah where h he has been arranging for forthe the production of the play in n numerous numerous numerous num num- erous towns in that that part of the state According Accord to Manager Goates the towns towns' are arc re very enthusiastic enthusiastic enthusiastic over the prospect of having I th the university players perform As it now stands the itinerary of of the play includes s the following towns most of which will willo be played played play play- ed during the Christmas holidays Lehi Spanish Fork Payson Coal Coal- Coalville ville yule Nephi Fountain Green Mt Pleasant Spring City Ephraim lr Manti anti Salina Richfield Monroe Bingham and Brigham City Mr Goates who was ined on the trip by Dick Bennett has made final arrangements for the tour of the play so that the performers will be playing be-playing playing every night during the holidays |