Show territorial NOTES items of interest adhered from rom our territorial exchanges r C N lund Plea Il eaid is 13 ill thu no lor from the eighth district t copper mines I 1 of great value are v r to have r elt fitly lly belll lid suii d in ili the tile D cyp it chiek cru k o 0 ji it lc 0 T bean f richfield ia H full fledged attorney ito 1 A As ad to chobar lie bar R at armo u it afan ill lat la t A eiliv itt w 1 line ins akell ebbel ua lindiel lin liel at fit stair buah county abail will i I 1 I 1 be b frau alon a barah sarah D 1 mend ahall h a been appointed I 1 t A I 1 stone stolle of ogden nunnery Nui ey Nery baal by a large claw moti nion bear in tit ogdan n canyon last tt ek he lie succeeded in ili killing tile weighed heil 2 38 pounds william Cot taji ji of Sno wille inix ox county haa filed a danto bint suit to the amount of 10 M tile salt laky lake herald that paper had a redo ting cuputi his ch arader T jakeman Jake Jaken mau iati former formerly fur merly lyof of 11 manti tanti vaa its acquit L of H charge of of mortgagor prop property eity ile as charged u mith ith belling selling a plant in tit spanish fork when ho he had given iven a mortgage and lull bill of sale 1 tf of the lie same to another man mail the tile liberal party of ogden decided on last tuesday by a vote of twelve to todie disband band this action nas brought by the o 0 desertion af the best ginev ni froin from the ranka ranks no so ticket will be ix put it in the held field for fur municipal off cers and anti it is thought that the party patty will iii cr tr again re beuve ive frank hart employed atil hona soua enill millin in ogden canyon was caught in tit the machinery of the ilia null mill and otter after being thrown around thi ilia tu andrell drell to which the tile main ean pan is 16 attached several times he lie was as cast into the saw duet last pit both of his les legs and one arm ere broken and he received other een sen oue ous injuries claude Fl fleming eining of while hunting huntin ff on last sunday severely cut ins his le leg with s f lare large scalping knife lie ile was wing through the timber when the scabbard contain my ing tit kir knife life was caught between betseen his leg 1 and a tree the scabbard was iut cut through ami slid a very pain ful injury d on reaching home ho lie became unconscious from front the lass of blood A 4 physician as and the tile boy tare tit re ported as its improving sorer soren nielsen Nie laen the ilia norwegian nione under it ader of ibi died filed one day last week after an illness of only alfew a few hour hours As many tills licious circumstances were connected with A ith the sick icess a post mortem examination was held dr W 11 II assisted by the coroners jury made the examination the verdict of the jury wae was that des debased based came to hia death by morph morphine i no or other poison adm adminis inis by some unknown person suspicion pointed toa to a woman of the family and it was as found that aiho had purchased a quantity of land laud naum and given to the old man in liquor the case will bo be full ventilated in the courts nielsen had consid considerable grable money about the house at the time of his death and was making tiona hous for a trip to norway it is estimated that he bad had at least 10 OW in cash and pro property perfy |