Show city council aster the usual t lei kilpe th pe titles of the valley railroad rall roid far for trinell tri nehl on X amt was wa brantd provided the th grading be t don done a year A franchise to construct par spot to be the utah wool woot aad aloa warehouse so lali en th the e labi until it was definitely settled tiled where aire the depot should be located TU ih of vi water aseff r reported that thi there WM was till still a en leaks mr tie metcalf asked for a at of a portion of u bis botti hotel license III R f I 1 red rato to the on Ile pates and elarms ur mr Ilet calf ilio also complained bilth families alue were taking ardors Ur l dors showalter reported ported bit that was u at t I 1 11 I 1 oae ome diC cully lu in rotation to 9 ib Us committee on litigation reported abat joan hall his bl land occupied by the tl city ally for right of way for the th et bettt tek tt at 50 he H would alva iv the city cu 50 for its tt land purchased from robert artlie cato to the city twenty ATI ft from roa the center of the tb creek cr this tb claim we was allowed and the th midot authorized to sell ell the lana as td on 00 tie mitter matter ital blag the want pr per square foot toot la in no I 1 ll 11 I 1 wu wait to the tb recorder tf and aa th ill on the lh ellb the po tillou of aph Is fur the ae ale of aur for tb the itam team brasher athe jtb oa on waitr adjourn I 1 until 8 11 bai 10 p V M 1 1893 |