Show our first clr spraying A corro spi sp 11 first attempt at killing insects the effia liquid went raining into abe foliage what ii 14 tho the upon insect life ao bees wore around blosi blo somi onig bo be ng gone those louse flies left the peach in hasto but 1 wil whit it anre those pale preen green elow moving lice like things on peach leaves nuil and oung stein stems they are the ennio as those which so tr the plum plant trees oara cars ago RO and somi sonto of fito hi o 0 baulo arc on du the roe ro e bushes over thero there novy they suck tho the juico juice of tho ilia leaf leat and thus dis disable tible ilia treo tree they throw off dt ft a substance which tt hie and 1 yellow jackets to tho the trees the book name 1 is ta a kind of plant ions will london purple preparation kill them they arc made liy by the wetting but not all c citi cin in bo ix hit tilt finity are a safely housed leaves buried from tho the edgee doral dor nl into complete protectors tho the curling a result of their presence in tho the leaves in a abort tim tiiu lie the liquid tins dried and find tho the tin tilt digs IR are ns as lively as is evert everl try preen green next sp that wit ash aliade tree hae ila queer bunnies bum bun fies of leaves at hie the ende of some branc befi why ii Is that NN hat would havo have been a shoot four or five inches long lon ie is only nn ail inch or too tuo long and ie IA lulled back upon itself the leaves being thue thus drawn into cin mi ali them art tanty tants more aphides but of a dif ferent o some are very email small others larger and very large nearly the eizo size of a grain of wheat the smaller arc of a dull leaden col colt ras the thea grow thoy they taka on oti ri graah abah than abeba re striped longitudinally and when fully grown they are aro covered b 1 a coat of long white down they aro are mostly attached to the file tender bark of the stern which looke shriveled and sickly taka take that ilat custer cluster of leaves encio iny ing many ep and dip it in to alio prepa eption an hoar hour after ward ard look at it ertry aphid it ie stiff in datlik try rry to detach delach that one ono thee theo the e o ite its i t arc are loose but its in sucker is til uck into tu bark now it one could only spray then all hut but it cannot be done lone the coiled lea le vet p event dire clive tho the it HUH good tiling citing anyhow wy ive airi lafoe e seen the balti more oriole and emmate ingling enalin a breakfast brck brek fast up upon 0 it those aphides in tit the peach tree bol but it ie very doubtful whether they would lika tefie ohp ie what makes apple learea leaves specked giitl un the noih saine here there is a bru nish tain a 4 if from front it drop of discolo vater nater A bat lint are mite liko things on oil thu the loaft bring it botan izing glasa ahoy aro are about dhosi roand of the thu kui the tilt exly 11 1 0 14 4 dark colored tol oreil wid the legs 1 tire like liko a fringe and they do to trix trim t 1 ou oil inest oddi bliem to it bo euro sure of the fait NO so slowly do tin aloro ap liukaS cad each tro ling haa ItSON its own ll barid iio dit terent clitso are from front the tilt others IL these tu to cat the from froin the lea k s and own o 0 battu to bo be nill mil lions lion q of it thom the london pur pie docs not setin to hurt tilt ir in oho least on ott lint plant are s leavorn triton are tho the 1 a I bill cli ch of caterpillars nearly yron grof it but has binm ili no N eb 4 at kt pro present sent the tire chug ingin in n buti baumli h to tho the body of alo tite give them thein it 0 shower they are not tit much uch wit to thir lint hairy ry coat aney tire re crun hod It hout Wili waiting till I 1 for what I 1 M that str inge looking look iii long legged alenar bodied ix fly bliku liku tiling thing ita its pus tinor purt part covered m ith tilt short atilt hair irs and small compard falth tilt iti it other parts wandir if that ie ig ahat ao ft tire alter after in ili this spra ilig of apple in tri 09 08 well liming finis lied making it rain take ill upa A standard blan dard the great one just ju st by the funk A company now york and turning ruing it to apple aly thero there ia in n cut of tho the ner cr thing it ia an ono of van oua hica thes at u chomo lari lr bat oat app lovi ll 11 so wo we saw one spec specimen of the lie inis diio ous ansu t upon which utah ia is making war according to laft lan study your in order to figu figat aillem |