Show alrand alib didome Diversi diversified ried farming awl J 1 shair ia field mid and k harm arm men with a single ideal of sae toni tom u not suited to lu modern cidern farming hie ilie days das of ot single eingle arol in the land of irrigation are farming must be diversified in older to insure success the soil climate and water ater verj tar as its much as the h bt tat afons one field ia is composed tit elements of soil fertility I 1 iho lie chin chieto ito cich variety of sod soil in tit a dif different manner one acre requires frequent application of water during the period of plant maturity while the adjoining acre demands de inanda but little moisture A crop that will yield abundantly un der one condition will be a failure under another in order to oer come the difficulties and make farming n success wo we must diver eif sif the products pro duets the seed and abor labor wasted upon one crop must be made up by the abundant yield from front un another other the farm should produce hay and grain for the home animals and a surplus for market small fruita fruit saud and vegetables ege tables for family use and foreign con cou sump lion tion should bolm a part of the soil products no season of the year ought tu to find the farmer without a marketable surplus A few hope cattle or sheep well wt 11 fed on cereals and roots are the legitimate legit imato profits of ever farm farin an ali excess of hay and grain to put upon the right market at the proper time are some of the dividends ofa of a well ma managed farm the farm may be small vet ct properly di divided aided so as to iti include clude the or orchard bard garden mea dows and cultivated fields nothing but pure tented tested seeds should bo be planted poor cheap trees are at always ways high priced 0 oven en at the tho cost of transportation the orchard should t c contain only the best selected and acclimated trees scrub stock costs its much for feud feed aa as the very best no farmer should be content with an anything thing but the first clasy old implements requiring muscular force for operation do not belong to the present era thi most appi caved and thela the latest teet improved machinery belong to the successful farmer who practices una this doctrine of u diversified pro duets A little observation will enable every acner intelligent and studious farmer to plant the right crop upon the soil adapted to lie growth one benr experience should bo be enough to determine the mode of cultivation and the method of irrigation if ono one crop ift is a failure through neglect more thorough cul liv ti alion 14 necessary if mismanagement cause causes failure the subject requires more thoughtful systematic work E every cry acre should return an nil annual dividend upon the investment A trial balance at the end of the cropping season will determine its financial finan ciul value the boil soil should be made to produce its full capacity capa cit each u season with proper tillage correct management and a careful use of the irrigation supply this can be casily accomplished spraying in orchards the mason is coming on when the many will wll attack tho or chard A remedy for worms 11 ie the spraying method several formulas lia leavo 0 been effectively used in spraying trees in other sections they may be successfully used here every man owning an orchard of even eten a few trees should try some remedy tor for ridding th the 0 fruit of worms it the labor ia is general tho the work will be more effective fec tive let all make a fight for good fruit aud and it will surely come the soil an I 1 climate are suitable for fruit growing and there ie Is no reason thy tho the busin business pas should not be i success it if a w warfare is raged against the worms planting cabbage la is a i very ery profitable crop that might be grown in inthia this county they eie ate i t hardy plant will stand considerable roat trost in the fall and can be made marketable at all sea aona sons of the year the seed should bo be sown this month in hotbeds or boxed 1 IQ in doors when tho the plants are tire large enough and the spring is fairly open and growing weather has set betin in they should be irene trans planted the ground required ie is well pulverized land A email small irrigation i stream mi might ight be tamed turned in at the time of planting to follow along after this guht be repeated in a fow few dus das but after the plants bet et fully cultivation is the ariu capil tiling thing IN heu aly hand lull led nn all acre of cabbage will bring more mono than an 1111 farm crop celery under irrigation TIT Willi atin hoover I 1 many partners fan fart ners labor under the impression that clety ie is a hard crop to grow limn 11 1 1 a li it can br be grown its ensil an as a ft crop of potato providing pro iding one haa has a soil that will suit its peculiar habits babits celt v is fond foud of a it boil soil that if la naturally and IR sup plied with nil an abundance of ve vage 90 table mutter matter HoLN however tr the la lack of these o can an be bo overcome wai en one haq plenty of stable manure liia nur mid and a good supply of water for irrigating purposes the market gardener gardtner generally two crop of celer celery early and late the earl crop ie is generally dis posed of during tle the late summer and full fall months ahila the late crop I 1 it stored for winter and spring uso u it I 1 r an earl crop the seed is 19 soh SOMI a about the first of march in a nio moderate derato hotbed in ilk drills t two 0 inches apart alic 1 ho soil should be mado made very rich and the bid NA well watered to gaie give the plants a good start when the plants hav lim e grown to a fair BIZO size they are usually trane trans planted into a cold frame franie however thia this practice of transplanting cilery id is rapidly disappearing ex pen per itrice t me bas h as proven bo be ond a doubt that celer celery so treated NN ill produce a larger per cent of plants that go to weed seed and therefore become worthless the plants while in tho the acol bed bell should bo be shorn oil at least twice in order to make them stick shek and form a quantity of fibrous roots when tho the plants hae haic attained the proper BIZO size that la it from front throe three to four inches they should bo be anted into their pernia tient led bed which be well ell fertilized with short and well rollad manure in tit row ihil a five feet apart and the plants set eight inches apart ia ni the row after setting they should be given ft a good soil looking king by running the water down tha tho rows and it if the weather i is dry they must be irrigated nt at least once every ten das and cultivated after eich irrigation in rn six weeks from setting sot ting the planta plants will be large to be hand led are banked this is best by throwing up a furrow on each side of the row and pulling th i 1 dirt cloea close to the plants with a hee h then at tit one end of the row and gather up all the leaves eaves holding them with one band land and pushing the dirt close to the plants with the oilier other thia this operation must bo be repeated loverni tinita when the plants are de sired to be bit ached they must be banked up to the tips of the leaves late celery is handled liand led in tit much the a the birly differ ing from it only in three or four points the seed is 19 sown six weeks later in a well prepared bed ont out of doors and aa at it is 13 intended for winter and spring use it must not le be banked up as much as the early crop foa fo if it is bleat blenched lied when stored away it will not keep keel there are ise several eral was a s to keep celery but tho the french system is by far the safest how to properly keep celery for winter and spring use together with a full explanation of our now celery storage house will be bivien given our renders at some future time A chicken brooder take a common dry gooda goods box 14 inches wide and chri three e feet long cover the bottom with burlap or woolen cloth lire half way up the sides with cotton battin cover the cotton with a woolen cloth tacked be mure and make the corners round to prevent ent crowd ing leave a email small door in end or side of box for chicken i to ann in and out if it you choose to let them do so now take the over cover to the box anil and lino with cotton battin and cover corer with woolen cloth the as the brooder the cover corer must be made email small enough to fit smoothly ov r the ridge cassad 1 by the lining of tho the but bore a hole lole in eich cortier of the cover to give sufficient air no lamp needed the writer haa has thi this winter chickens until beyond the danger point in thi this brooder without a eingle I 1 losa |