Show o 0 tae messenger lessenger jf bubli hea weekly at manti matl utah hf by I 1 the manti printing ting and publishing co sub ari tv I 1 pr r I 1 tear ar A rat on apt elk ent lantho at U P wt hue at kanii sip t county utah fr fir tra unah tl lh ditcu ulla ul 11 la matar JOEL famy FEBRUARY 16 1891 down in texas been swindle swindled by a man who ho pod died an oil inch lo 10 warranted mar ranted take the kinka kinks out out of their bair not only do the kinka kinks r the darkies have dico ered a wrinkle THE tile federal election taw law been repealed and the old dot trine of state reglita that brought bout about the last civil war is restored it is surely an age of retrogression when it comes conies to tho the acts of the present M R as availed it fraud and n failure by il it chicago preacher on sunday the discoverer wis not a fraud but when we how ninny many find rhugo in tho the laud land which minch he discovered disco the con elusion is Lievi taye that he lie was as in some respects ecta a R failure some of the fruit growers of Spring springville ville are opposing the tile bill forer for creating eating n board of turo fo to foster and entourage encourage fruit raising in this territory it seems strange that anything that mould tend to lAnie fit the tile people of utah L as doca lots lill hill should bo be opposed by any ches of people the billis bill ie frinic fri nil d as it should bo be und and ought to topaha pass THE boston neus bureau pub lishes a symposium of the bus busi ness situation on tho the first of the tile month the gentral opinion opinion eastern I 1 2 aien wot war Sif that canoa y wasa disappointing month the tito volume of business waa vas enuch below the a bruge iRe for former yeara years they are hopeful of butter linea times before the clone of this month TUB tun bills home productions duc duct tiona ions should pasa pass the legislative assembly one ono of is the horticultural bill it ie is pro perly framed and not hect ua with tiny opposition tile bill providing for a bounty on oil baet 1 raising should ix come a part of our law laws anything that tenda toward the building up of thia this territory hould paes pass we are residents of thia this territory and want protection to our f wk interests LAST monday was the anniversary of the birthday of tho the great amen can patriot Abra liam lincoln ilia birthplace in ili kentucky haa has been blen purchased by tt a ej indicate of wealthy kentuckians who prole to improve tho ilia farm and replace as near as possible ibe the od cabin where lincoln was born tho the purple ea Os they eay say ie Is to perpetuate the name nine and arid memory of tho the father of american freedom TUB tun medical law should not be repealed although it does need some amendments wo lierd a law governing the arafe prito e of frieds clao ciao as a ft protection to competent physicians and the people this applies to all other professions under th the principle that tholo competent should be protected protect eI against the blacksmith work of potency pet eucy the same rule would ap ply to some of our so called newspaper men scattered ecat temi throughout tho teri iford THE tribune to IM moving in 61 earnest to dra r hie tile capital from froin salt lako lake city that ie is a laudable um ambition bilion it is is something that provo has diaan a perficto right to do if it poy eible but vo 0 eug sug gest 0 N o the arm provo 0 papera papers to state in tit next edition what tax salt A lake city and bounly paye what amount of that tax la is devoted to the school fund then tho the amount hip that utah county payi and the amount abat it dass d ass s back on aci count of the school land and after v looking over the figurea figures deelbe by what equity it clavins tho the capital figurea figures aie are cold bloo dodi but still it ie is legitimate leoti mate to invoke them P in i a while |