Show ook ec local and personal notes t afe ye e geee e ey masquerade suits rented by mrm hannan J christon i george henry of lead tile colo is ie a visitor to tr the temple city A dramatic company loni pany la is ono one of if the prospective organizations for manti mantl city those desiring to atte attend liti the tile masquerade ball can gi gt t suits from mra mrs herman J 1 Christe Christen neui stu I 1 uncle george snow liae has returned frosia a weeks visit to some i dinies the garden city of utah county Mea danite it E IT and F t T accompanied by abe ion jonee attended the tile masquerade ball in nephi on oil tuesday evening dr ir IV Olst enof of ephraim was mas a caller at the tile MitsE umi office wednesday he lie was callad to manti mantl on oil J blatten carpenter city lie re corder has recen received ed the new dog tax for fur and the marshal rill will boon it be looking after tho the un regie regis ej dogs the tile a liao hale almost in lit a gett o 0 erat row among tho boyk 1 probably Pio Plo bably the tile running will bestol bo stopped and the old mork workhorse horses a will ill have a season of teat will L nicol 0 miller co of fine clothing of chicago illinois was in th city on oil wednesday interviewing co a 1 I B brunei liaa has been at tit tending to ta in lit salt latke cit during ilio beel eek tile ali dully daily paper papers guv gill c eua us tho that stopped at tile cullell the third tinn of tile district FIC opened on oil ajol 11 aa dutli till an all pupils eer available geat la is occupied abid et there arc are more banting to t attend alln young ladies ladles mutual tin till will I 1 gle given a musical axial in ili tattles tuttles hall on oil Sa saturday evening X un U n cent rent lunch will ill iw be served daring during evening jens J is s AH in machutt any alerson good workmanship ili in repairing machiner will don til upon him the call give giro him good 1 an aft interesting program was well rend rendered ertA at the conjo bonjo nt lit session of the mutual improti improvement assonia tiona on oil tuesday evening cloning the tile moot objectionable feature fans tile lack of room in tho the council house ferdinand aider alder and wife were i agreeably surprised u tudy evening A largo large crowl of friends congratulated at their residence and made the hours merry until almost daylight on wednesday morning jake israel representing the consolidated implement company waa was ati a to the temple uty city during the he called at the office and ordered the will twill lit his hi g address in tile capital city the kio rio grand grandis western lVe storn desi decaire reto to inform the citizens Liti zens of of and sanpete valley that there ie is no rate war in existence eo so N far as toot road is concerned this II 11 V company lius made pt maxient rates v which will hereafter bo be in effect S w a row ati advance aneo agent of doc J toie tors shores shores waa was a pleasant caller at this office on oil monday he ile informed ua us that ine present man of the zions medical in ili ablution pay their advertising bills in advance which is erful ch news to printers A representative of the cele i berated plymouth rock catiti company tins aleen in the city the he past da s soliciting order orders for mens wear it ie is tile purpose of the company to inake make manti a general headquarters for a solicitor who will look afat r the tile business of this vall valle I 1 another wedding it w annc for next lak wik tame jaines G jack visited wiled nepon luring the week eek john bishop of pa t tte hs 1119 een stopping ili tile tit td a ferdna few da a arcil garbe whose life was de of hw recovered under the of dr E T 11 hodford ford more snow fill on oil thursday el evening eIng making more flig hinn lut but the danger to slit t 1 on the tile o 0 oakley an till old resident of Spring springville ville is visiting isi tink manti and dimmio of li ii 4 fourur acquaintances charka tennant la is able tu to set ket out on tile strut sart k t oner once more hi ile la o 0 by badr dr fredprick italic the johnny is rt ims sing sitio tile failure of tin tile maa an fn fidd field co oi op and IM is wild to lk 1 unni counted for lit tile ameti S 1 T durant ilia popular b ili el ing salesman made notorious by wit E 11 idich in lit lua his book air durant of salt like L ike la is hustling for business ili m tin this city ity on ott the second day lay of march the tile salt lake tribune will appear is as a deini a chikly papi r thelorice the prica will be pr lir will be taken at alib AILS office 4 grand rado ball is to iw lw gis en on oil thurid ty evening ening ei ilia 1501 dinst li lit auttlee Tutt lee los hall tile orchestra boy boi bo i will endeavor end tavor cavor to mako inake alii i the tile event or tile st ason jolin E Alet talf had a runaway oil latt luff ing hie ill atam fr in in tit tin tilt enri pite valety depot and rail up III tim tho to main whre the ilie f wire w ro 1 I no w aia 14 joni tho tile alio llio i anido rn n will fall tickets to ephraim tind ond naun im tilt nud sut the logli aud 11 tl nit ni t it t ono fur fare for the roun ruuno 1 trip oni chirt cents to attend we e aro requests td it to tile o 0 young iiorio 1 OPIO hint that from bait like will not be litre lire on oil I 1 the day lay of the bill in ili order that alifi the may ilia make other arrange fur fort t oat unita i mr ot of snit salt lake and liss miss jennette Jenn uette baile of Nephi havo lim a been visiting the faini of 1 J taylor thir alig 9 the tile past few das tile they ri re turned homo home on oil thursday A U welby wilby and oilier other official 3 of theotto grando grande wistern comedown came down in thurida da and stopped some time uno in ili the tk T k tu plo city they didiot did not forget tu to can cal I 1 a ili the tile office alma earl marker pon son of alma allan and elizabeth marker died at idaho falb idaho Idall on the 11 let 13 t or january ami anti was buried the ilia fol ic day was a little past cars of a age and tit a bright buy was wag brain fever induced fly oi 01 er bind stud while in ill school tha 11 hemily hayo have many rela es and anti friends in in thia this city ahn wh sm sympathy pathy dr 0 W shorts of ortho the zion medical institute was wasa a calleran cal colter lerat nt the tile off office iceon on wednes day lie ile in ui comp o 0 tuny with ili hh brol broth trA litrA 0 shares attended to the wenta i of the sick who called A at the bench housdon on wednesday The doctors adewell well known through put out utah having axen rea uler practicing for many yeat eat they intend visiting mant regularly once a month and noti ate pt whick will ba given in A F t julip buhler Bu liler the alei diemen en year old son soil of buhler the carpenter while playing on the ice had the misfortune to dislocate dih dit locate hia his arm E T hodford IIo eford was called and soon reduced the fracture and the boy will soon 1 himself uain E S 8 day representing tho file demer denier stamping corn com pally alaid fantt lua his first visit during the week he expects to t 0 make the temple city regularly and will ill pay hie his respects to the ilia mer chanta bilts 1 in lit about one month from date jolin 0 witbeck lias has rb rc turned front it two beeks tripon trip on the ilia sheep o 0 ranges lie ile reports feed getting on oil at aunt of too much enow allow lie he thinks there will mill be IM in tit cheop and wool miles unless tho the weather lier changes it m tho tilt next few da a |