Show SPLENDID sheep IN ENGLAND th the nt flat or vil are tle dalty aad ail kouth south covus the naturalist natura lut who wh ii Is cot not too proul proud to know tha ot 0 tbt th dm jbf t I 1 I okla cre now ia is bolig ht to s soil oil as any of the ancient r il t race rates I 1 name any district in which h fiani hicso if by a glance at the r sheep upon the lulla say the spectator not evin thu the cattle exhibit icci majhed dif feren el a sia are siaa a to be found la in tho the flocks floe thih century of careful klec tion 1121 hi fitt 1 to thrive bat in the var cl C earlana th bajt bi I 1 let el ceier hep h ep with lony lout arar ara aoa raal cu ful I 1 whito faces facer itro to differ ut from the Co a as As newfound Tew foun ilan I 1 irom from a 2 white poodle in the will bo ba found the original of the baa lamb of the nursery these beep art are tall with whits wool in locals an I 1 with tufts upon the head and arehea I 1 the T aire sheep are more ill e thoe of leicester but heavier in the deece coarser and more fitted for life in tho maribes they haire have perhaps the he mo most t intelligent aaen of any sheep bat but the refined bouth down downs le e noticed a lincoln owe endear orin to u a ack sack of cakes by putting her got into the mouth aad and drawing out the th con tent la it lay GD on the ground in con the next pen marsh has its it own breed of something like the lin co cobs but of all the flock of fryland the louth down must win the palm their shirt and delicate wool 11 I 1 feltel like moss the hand hana inki oinks into it with difficulty T te e form Is t and rounded and though appa rimy so a finely built their weight Is lerat stat ilie ille clos close 11 v gray fleece oe e fit fits over the had like a cap disclosing the ace face and no covered with short gray hair not wool the feature are extremely dainty and t 0 is of the mouth tas as the hep sheep nibble nibbles its fragrant upper supper of trefoil and clover resemble 3 of some delicate foreign rodent their head heads are far r thau thoe those of deer almot a as a refined a ai that of the catelle g these sheep heep urs uti derga elaborate colitt every marn a off Ippi nr then them the n Is I 1 an art in which fe fo excel coat coats are trimmed tri varned brushed and damped and O 1 flit flat with a setting boari and finally for the day tho the black faced and boman nosed are alo also rou gea |