Show S J GRIFFIN F I 1 at street oden utah or seals J stencils 11 addes Kiihl ici and I 1 stamps branding irons check punches numbering machines 06 e aud it mil 1111 y 31 0 t rite it lil iu dik artter ses ia it lie ek tc utah agent fur for hall 11 Iti trin bonoan Co nOan s aarts vault find uti Dolio ait IN orka arks arile for f ao 10 and fire proof stroll strong baoxia 7 W MANTI 11 ROLLER M MILLS 1 LOUIS F BECKER lessee of high flour from rest fleit it etal hard 1 hent heat pa ra baah fir for wheat correspondence hollested 1 16 cuili arg ihrk urk a 1 I t laity MUST jt B 1 l J SOLD 0 bargain house it FEW 4 1 LADIES 4 1 U 1 ST E R S J former price 8 to 12 J reduced to T A mens and boys suits cheap Y furniture Furni turi at bedrock bed rock prices L stoves as cheap as the cheapest 0 boots shoes blankets R sewing machines hats tea coffee etc etc L PARRY PARR 17 cc SONS dosono and IVO stone butten Pro t rs of thu tho sanpete white oolite and grey sandstone quarries dealers in oolite and marble monuments headstones etc t YARD KU J l wl ocille manti ato to co tor atall tali P A A leading Jea ding house of salt lake city pc hooted rote e e u I 1 R X 9 amon ral a A ui afi BI efam real estate and lo insurance bay buy and sell real estate attend to rentals and 1 col sections make and execute legal papers attend to investments for outside parties superintend the organ ct of development notary public in tho the office correspondence reference manu manit city bank tw office in n the tuttle building N I 1 A N r I 1 LJ 1 IA t I 1 4 T ib seed catalog catalogued 1 CF alik plant stad sit 4 I 1 nii 81 north fourth strut bt st louis mo h has Us u tilt a title bd catalogue for 1144 llna this bouso in is an all old catal estal li allu gitil d fit fit und handle handles nothing but gotai nibble so bedri fe eils dri writ write tor for a it Litti dogue 11 W Rix lford III 91 IRIA ua US his 1113 nilo mill mid annual fur wr it iri is iri fusil III illus trat A abid gia bottwin o 0 oil lit I 1 id ld mid garden needs and flowers floi u ers eier L ur nii r phoui have bin catill ogile J bat auritt ritt ind haa our thanks 4 forn hint nat illus d ibal hotd this tilt N veel eek is it lino fine state and cie ellent fidd and seed eventt ea eritt slin tile 0 X let ont of ins ills catalogue n one the picture in utah given as a P F chium to subscribers to the messenger THE haa has perfected arrangement m ants whereby we re are enabled to coolter offer the anest premium to our ever given 1 by any piper published in utah it Is no chance came or lottery schema bat but am 0 st alti abla to reader readers of 0 mi TI tie 0 premium Is i the mot most tx the silt Ukel emple ever made it ie is a crayon glie size 25 by 34 inches in tei tet colora colors it was sketched ket ched by the tho famous geranan artlan artist ilera herman a Ic teri who came to sal balte ake for 0 o th the purpose of delair this work the picture shows liow the building and ad grounds round in natural colori naci and as u everything every will appear when the walis are taken down the grounds park parks and flowen flowers the beautiful fountains foun oun taing talo and the fine statue of president Pre eident brittian Brig tian ahi I 1 oung placed in position this picture ii to the th only one that doe does lattice justice to the magnificent temple templo and should bouHa adorn Jorn the home of very every family lo 10 the territory the pic picture sells ell everywhere at ft 50 each rod and cannot be bad from the publishers lishers for or a leuer lesser urn sum OUK OUR the theat lit one year costs taw A copy of the picture victure costs 1 GO 60 total j ta W 0 10 lo 10 every new cash suba alber before harch lit let 1691 wo we will furnish the paper for one year and deliver it copy ol 01 the picture for awo dollar dollars and I 1 ittai rits nt to oar our trent subscribers who have not paid me its will credit one at sub front ro nithe the time of beginning and deliver a copy of 0 the picture for or two dol lars gariand and fifty rente cents to our subscribers who ibave baidin paid in adrana dra fic a we will credit one yea a aa suh ah after the present bas ban expired and deliver the picture tor for iwo collars to any one we will delli or the tb picture without the paper lor for one dollar and fifty cents A ample sample of the picture can be een seem at ihl office call and look took at it and yoa you will went one THE CO manti utah lm on 11 medical institute treatment by mail 10 no necessia essit of coming corning to tile city for Treatment 5 A l all anil wall to the CAI 1 kofy 1 u build lot IDL ml zak clar tish 6 for far the information of the tia bublic especially itlie who are eo anxious tn place ca on record ua us special friend of tho the sanpete valley railway I 1 desire lo 10 call our attention to alid ejectment ut of sir jamee j metcalf Z from their special train on the evening Q vf jan coill without other eaph nation than ho he waa was not wanted thre for fordal sale or hemf A large two etory story store building in buein efre t entre of manti suitable for general etore store furniture depot or other business tho tile up stairs rooms would make splendid offices icee off property cost over 1 will cell sell for A good bust neus u location will rent cheap larus st if your grocer doce does not keep fuji teo tee write us and we will tell you where to get got it john A sona sous co 0 18 ogden utah und and in ill given fit it ohp bailey a s tom of cutting by tf if misa BILLINGS |