Show fj i tea sold e cry where ask asi for it fet r j we ive hae lime several pieces of I 1 s larul land and unproved improved property for or enie sale jaqua furnished and un ej furnished furni for rent JT A cilio choice ioe jm arit of goods A at I 1 B 10 the manti roller scilla pay cah for wheat 10 tf if fl fish stock idolisa ID boobe ATTHE MANTI MA GROCERY G R 0 C E R Y now noa if is the time to order optical and musical al goals booti for brix ahe jeweler jow eler will engrave name on oil goola goods and ss R 11 twenty five per ct cent clie byer thru other housea houses 7 smoke auice club get them at board of trade saloon thomas john attorney v at lit law room I 1 dink bank building j rv 0 18 16 itah IT in PRANK D I mato tt register 11 S I 1 cunil and office L land 9 md and mining 1111 ning attorney A SILT LAKE cm CITI solicited boli cited ton evv en t three 3 cara cars expel lence S AV DARKIS A MOR VP r AT t T 1 land aarl milling mil mit ling At attorney tomey hooper block bait lake cit BIRD ac LOWE P land aclei a its rit find acl attorneys Attorn eyb satt jakc will procure and prot dest rt mitrie 4 attend to cases in ill the land office at salt lake cit nud und washington glon DC D C end and will gue gle attention to pie preparing paring op for or patents and adverse claims to mined botar public in offie office ix natt t door to LT U S land of fice P 0 62 1 J C CAI 10 0 jn S sr r 11 A or coffins and coffin trimmings at 0 the only hoarse in Sati pete co home made goods a specialty the lowest prices in lit express charges paid on oil all outside orders tit 31 anti inti i ir bod for BAILEYS french herb rheumatic and kid kidney ej caire o a A Voge vegetable table preparation ht that absolutely Absolu lely cures cities la III all its maa man forms k H L S per B iii n m tile I 1 co 4 manufacturers chicago ills A salt lake city utah WILFOND fri president surplus 00 oo AND TRUST salt lie city U the and largest savings it ink lit ati a five per cent datert I 1 is fr 1 ill hecei ed arito for tin information 3 ou need OR row 71 1 r abe lione li one with a I 1 ab 4 mon af arch 14 1 cold filled C i 11 atch cal and one of the many fake cases in at tile start I 1 tit the ining 01 of the fillys caw knos what 1 and lias reputation ind to lo 10 11 6 0 and what could III case does 11 t get fully the track u 4 bric tiLing doun to wear at var I 1 bettar al S how tile fake case doin ind in 3 tilt the car round bow short a time notice the I 1 as case on than a dainty gent As childer aa ich n of a it atit I 1 ile crowd on the arand fir V stand cr e erml s I 1 OREM I 1 0 40 k 9 X P 1 e I 1 pa I 1 ILI e I 1 11 EL A 3 1 11 aich is all it looks rot A a 4 to be and only cots a squall stun of In cilley f V 44 if on 1 I ull III call I 1 IN lull ill be tu to ion a 1110 nue line title of u elgin aab 0 H 01 law ew L idova Darb Abo vellie which yoa you can call have fitta in ili o 0 gold tilling bibee oi 01 mackli caes to uit suit our own tam ta alho also clock loth both t tight nud and one day of hest males se asrine aff IZ cal C h A 1 5 na 9 N ea a I 1 all the latest 1 midi such ns Eld eldradge redgel jj high aim singer Fat favorite 11 iante hite and wid othel Stan dan daid makes at from I 1 al 2 i 00 up tit fully full by b file au N in 7 J depot st one oue block west of mai MAIM SOCIETY NOTICE 1 LODGE NO A 23 1 I 0 U V W nw t v ey catine td e at 7 ID clock 1 e k a at t hj hi ar a all girhing ti tie brethren alwaes wele mo W J il DI T v it FHT fit CHURCH 1 worship alay evening A d nj teacher moot met lint ins a at t pastor I 1 hoar house sunder sunday ach chenot I at t 1 3 0 clock v m lilal unit bible clalla 1 sam tinia time awl nil place AU all evening orvi CAS et at 10 I 1 0 alati X eato fret free E d 0 pastor MANTI postoffice POST OFFICE ho rs 81 9 a ID W 6 10 p ia sundar hour 1 m tollow in ouen ity minutes eatery 1 1 arrival of tria train from the rth W I 1 B 11 ST ACIEr P r M C land and mining Attorn attorney ej SALT LAKE CITY 01 UTAH letters about land matt rv promptly answered ahn ben tamp stamp ii Is act omil for or reply mull aitu savings bank incorporated capital paid un surplus conduct a general tian thanking king and umani sin county and city depository we W par on aits at t the tte late 0 of f ra meent per aanne compound tonn poun ILA quarterly L LT 7 1 tit leal II 11 J tic cehle mr asat cashier LT ft f T euttu tuttu it 11 S J allf BUlt ir wB anit IT 0 crawford jm jmj M bair albert MU ruttle tl l CASTLE GATE ct pa f P u THE WORLDS BEST I 1 IS CHEAPER pa 0 LEFT 1 i K R pete Pet elso i son blogg in bros 0 or 1 F 0 tt N lu di skive pran 1 pt DJ LINDSEY agent V HOOTS BOOTS AM AND SHOES HATS AND CAPS so 0 PAINTS AM AND OILS and A full line of h in season alway kept in stock s fra IA EAT T dua arx bt UT |