Show use atod 1 ana of the ali fan iran electrical fan aus are intended for uie use anil not lot base while der deriving lyIng the fullest benefit and enjoyment from the grateful gra tefil 4 breeze which the fan gives on thell the hottest ottest day people should ome tome bors in subjecting themselves bric bes A gentleman recen recently tir came into brodice a office minavery in a very much overheated condition and eit sit do don n la in the fall full aretis of aa an electric fan fm hw IN contracted a heavy a cold which deve developed loed into pneumonia ind necessitated a nice nine week weeke in a hospital tho the electrio fac fat ii 13 truly a boon and a ble blit binig ng acl to gaea but its aw must be cled tied by discretion pittsburg dispatch |