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Show B j " fjk i Waicfit " Optical department l cum-jre oi B ' $g I Clock competent optometrist. Expert at. B , W Jewelry tentlon given to testing of yen and H ' '' Diamonds nttlng of gliwea. H ki Cnt alaM V y . Silverware We have our own lens grinding ! " Fountain Peat plant and stock of uncut lense. H ! ITjabrellM Broken lenses duplicated and r B j Mesh Dags placed la an hour. BH yfe Make a Specialty of Pine Repairing. Con iclentlous care, B r j skilled workmanship, falrcbargcs and broad experlonee hare B I I combined to build up for us a Urge and veil pleased cllenUUe. I, j CM. WENDELBOE: . , HB Jewelry Store S3 East Dm North Street Logan Otak BbbB ' ' 1 R V ROG&1S H Summer Bates HBf $5.00 Per Week BBBBj Uuimliig Hot nnil Cold Water. BBBB LUectrU Light and Phone. H; ANNEX M HOTEL ECCLES BBBBBBBBBBBh . . J BBBBBBj1 BBBBV .sBBBBk ' a BBBBBl'' BBBBBBBt BW BBBBBBBbBBBBBBBBBW t : --s Take i?ood care of your shoes. A stitch iri time, you know. Have it done "Royally." Royal Shoe Repairing Co., 7 Main St., Logan. , i v.. ; M$$ !t Pay? To Paint WMN: No Matter What You pau.? ttf Ptint We RJHife a Special Kind lEjp.MJfor that very Purpose Carriage, Automobile Paints and Varnishes. Floor Paints and Stains that will dry over night Stains and Enamels, to make old furniture look like new. Brushes that will not shed their bristles. COME IN AND GET A COLOR CARD, AND LET US TALK OVER YOUR PAINT PROPOSITION. RITER BROS. DRUG CO. "THE ItGXALIi STOHE" WOULD YOU RETAIN YOUR LIBERTY? i If you are Interested In retaining that great American standard for which our forefathers fought so valiantly vali-antly and sacrificed so much, then come to tho court house at 8 o'clock Monday evonlng, June 4, and join that earnest band of people who nre. striving to maintain Liberty and guarantee it to our posterity. Good speaking and music. C. R. Spencer of Ogden, .president of tho Fcoplo's 'Chiropractic Protective Association of Utah, will bo present. adv. Advertised Letters Fisher, Bessie. Hendricks, Ed. Larsen, S. II. Mlckelson, Mrs. M. Peterson, Mrs. Hoy. Wilson, E. F. J. M. BLAIR, Postmaster. no mattor what you do-e(re do-e(re In tho music line, you can rest assured yon can find It hero. Our lino of music supplies Is tho most completo in tho northern part of tho stato. You aro inxited to camo and Inspect our stock nt any time, xxltliout any obligation ob-ligation on your part. ... H. G. Hayball Mercantile Co. Your money is good and will buy you more if you pay cash WHY? WE BUY FOR CASH. WE SELL FOR CASH. WE PAY NO RENT. Therefore We Can and Will 1 Save You Money. GIVE US A TRIAL AND BE CONVINCED. 100 lbs. Sugar, cash price.... 8.40 5 lbs. M. J. B. Coffee, cash Prlce $1.59 40c Hill's Coffee, cash prlco 25(-; 35c Albors Oats, cash prlceTJiJ 35c Carnation Oats, cash Prico 27 & 35c Sunrlpo Oats', caBh price 27U $1.00 Lemon and Vanilla Extract, cash price 49c 50 Lemon and Vanilla Extract, cash prlco 24fi 25c Asparagus, per can, cash price 15d 65c Grapes, 1 gal. can, cash Prlco 35 C5c Plums, 1 gal. can, cash 'Jrlc0 35 75c Cherries, 1 gal. can, cash prlco 49f $1.15 worth of Crystal White Soap, cash price.... 99 C $1.25 Cottollne, cash price. 95(5 $2.75 Cottollne, cash price.. $2.39 $1.25 Crlsco, cash prlco.. 98( 15c Pineapple, cash price.... H(J ALL OTHER GOODS REDUCED RE-DUCED TO A CASH BASIS We Deliver the Goods Just receiver a complete sample line of Ladies' Suits, Skirts, Dresses and Spring Coats, which we will sell at Manufacturer's Cost """ ' " MAXWELL TOURING CAR 1 1914 Model 35 H. P. I J All New Tires. i WDLL SACRIFICE AT A i BARGAIN. I i See C. A. SHUPE, Phone 193. 8 ! .. |