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Show YOUR LAST CHANCE , Piano Prices have followed the upward trend cy After this week the retail prices of Schiller Pianos Julius Bauer Pianos Henry F. Miller Pianos Must be substantially advanced You should take advantage of the present prices to place one of these superb instruments instru-ments in your home. You will save money and, a home without a Piano isn't really a home. Time Is Short. Today Is Your Last Chance Thatcher Music Company R. L. HARMAN, Gen. Mgr. cij Logan, :-: . Utah j Classified MISCELLANEOUS A small Payment down and easy terms will buy a tine home or good building lot, 193 West 4th North, tt Ono hundred fifty thousand dollars dol-lars to loan on farm and city property. proper-ty. H. A. rcdorson & Co. adT. tf. FOR SALE Registered Jersey cow, 8 years old, for $85. Phono 621. tf. WILL SELL ono hotel range, In good Bhape. Inquire of Herman Johnson. tf. ' Mrs. Warren Schow entertained at a family dinner Sunday. Drlday jrreath was effectively aranged on the tables and bout the rooms. Covers Cov-ers were laid for fourteen. Do you ever have the"blues"? That discouraged feeling often comes from a disordered stom- I ach, or an inactive liver. Get your digestion ivi shape and the bile acting, properly then -the "blues" will disappear. You will soon be cheerful, if you take HEIHAMS cr PIUS the people's remedy for life's common ailments. They act thoroughly on the stomach, liver, and bowels, and soon regulate reg-ulate and strengthen these important im-portant organs. Purely vegetablecontain vege-tablecontain no harmful drugs. Whenever you feel despondent a few doses will Make Things look Brighter Ui Ml 3U fc Ar Mudlf la h 1 1 WcwU. JoU .t.rrwb.r.. U bom, 10c, 2c Pf It Pas To Paintj j I fyffioNo Matter Wha Yo I kslS" ant to Pdint' I liHave a Special Kiai, ' '?Z I Carriage, Automobile Paints and Varnishes. Floar' H Faints and Stains that will dry over night. Stains H and Enamels, to make old furniture look like new. ' H Brushes that will not shed their bristles. . H COME IN dD GET A COLOR CARD, AND LET1, US TALK OVER YOUR PAINT PROPOSITION. RITER BROS. DRUG CO. 1 "TIIK 1 tKXALIi STORK" H IS 'Sfo Most Beautiful Car inhncrica 1 ffl j Kim y jiiftw fm nPODAY the list price of the Paige j Sg Hijjl JL Linwood "Six'39" is $1175. On a t0 purely comparative basis, there is no I j KM IHH j other car on the American market that jpj t j even tpretcnds to offer so'much Beauty, j (Jfri.j V Luxury and all around Efficiency lcr &$ Wyi 60 uttle money. (g-j. fflS But take advantage of this rare oppor- 1 i v j fik tumt'y while it exists. Place your order I ! yj,' J now before the list pnee of every . I ? j jiflt'- Hi Paige model is substantially increased. I i u .! ' M HiW' gJJt. Fcirfteld "Six.4b"Kvcn-pascn3r - $1175 1. o. b IXtroit 1 H,w'fv Vlvf Lin"od "Sit-io" fivc.pnsvnger SI 175 f. ei. b Detroit 4 ''iP " ( iiCi Drooklands"Six-5l"four-)aMcnscr SlbS f. o b. Detroit -. 1 Ai vA',f . Im Dartmoof'SixOO" 2or3.pusscnBcr - $1175 f.o.b. Detroit , 1 U 5 1 vl yX I Uuiousine"Six.51".cven-passcnKcr - f 2750 f . o. b. Detroit 1 K Uf.'l ' ,'( fXlf, Sedan "Six-5 r'sevtn-pu5:ni;cr $230nf o. b.'Detro't 1 j VV'tg S Saian "Six-30" fivc-rxiiscnger S 1775 f. o. b. Detroit I M fci? S? TownCar"Six-5 scven-paisengcr - S2750f o. b. Detroit I tiWj j4 j Palgc-Dctrolt Motor Car Co.. Detroit Mich. 1 B Pfe m ' LOGAN SALES & SERVICE CO. ' I M iSti IB East 1st North St. Locnn, Utah. I ijjQ ! : II 11 ' - ijfe : I |