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Show i Delinquent Notice To I Stockholders of the South I Cache Milling Company X Principal Office at MUlvlUe, Utah. A NOTICE. S There are delinquent on the foltow- S ,n deecribed atock, oa account of V aieaamnt No. 3, levied on the 13th 'M dar of April. 1917, the aereral -iL. amounta let opposite the namea of iy reapectlra shareholders aa follows: P ? 3 3 I 9 s r NAMES S ? ! j Allen, A. A. Jr 235 14 6 $ .60 Allen, D. D. 148 10 18 1.80 Allen, Joseph C... 152 11 9 .90 Allen, J. L 153 12 24 2.40 Andersen, Hjrrum.. 113 373 Andersen, Hjrrum.. 3 120 12.00 Andersen, Andrew 147 4 360 36.00, Bradley. Ell 8 18 ' 60 6.00 Beutler, Peter........ 17 313 Beutler, Peter. . 19 30 3.00 Beutler, Catherine 20 20 12 1.20 Bullock, James . 22 315 Bullock, James - 23 38 3.80 Bullock, Mosea W. 44 327 Bullock. Moses W. 24 19 1.90 Bauer, Edward. 37 22 12 1.20 Baer, Henry. 110 371 Baer. Henry. 17 240 24.00 Clawson, Eunice.... 221 7 .70 Clawson, Carrie 224 4 .40 Clawson, Cleo........ 223 4 .40 Clawson, Joyce 222 4 .40 Chrlstofforson, C... 262 45 12 1.20 Chrlstensen, I Caroline M ;... 275 41 28 2.80 Chandler, George.. 280 38 12 1.20 Chandler, Henry. 89 356 I Chandler, Henry.... 37 48 4.80 Chrlstensen, N. C. 241 43 43 4.30 Chrlstensen, 159 399 Christen 40 120 12.00 Christiansen Peter 213 42 19 1.90 Clawson, Carl J 185 33 60 6.00 Clawson, Chas. C... 50 332 Clawson. Chas. C... 31 19 1.90 Campbell Hopkln B 35 29 30 3.00 Checketts, William 31 34 60 6.00 Chugg, Wm. J 66 36 30 3.00 Chugg, William.... 73 346 Chugg, William.... 35 48 4.80 Cummlngs. O. T... 137 388 Cummlngs. O. T... 39 120 12.00 DeWItt, George. 117 377 r. DeWItt, George.... 47 166 15.60 .. DeWItt, Frank 118 378 v DeWItt, Frank. 48 160 15.00 Fife, Lewis ,. 410 54 60 6.00 Fife. Finis P. 65 340 Fife, Finis P.. 53 58 5.80 Gessel, Jacob 259 63 12 1.20 Oessel. Gottlieb.... 67 62 120 12.00 Oarr, John W 268 66 38 2.i0 Gulbransen, Frank 174 65 30 3.00 Olbbs, Wm. M 71 344 Glbbs, Wm. M 64 60 6.00 Hansen, Emit M... 210 437 54 5.40 Heyrcnd, John 414 80 48 4.80 Hochstrasser, Mary 237 86 9 .90 Hammond Levi P. 239 77 24 2.40 Hammond Emmellne 190 76 9 .90 Hansen. Peter C... 243 74 6 .60 Hansen, Peter O.... 184 73 120 12.00 Hansen, E. P 191 298 Hansen, E. P. 75 19 1.90 Hansen, Geo. D 29 320 Hansen, Geo. D 67 34 3.40 Hansen, Paul 68 336 Hansen, Paul 69 61 6.10 Hansen, Mads... CO 337 Hansen, Mads 70 92 9.20 Hovey, James A... 95 361 Hoyey, James A... 81 78 7.80 Hulse, H. L 106 83 120 12.00 Hokansen, Hyrum 150 396 Hokansen, Hyrum 78 24 2.40 Israelsen, A. M 173 430 Israelsen, A. M 432 211 Israelsen, A. M 207 62 6.20 Israelsen, W. H 144 87 12 1.20 Israelsen, Z. W 154 397 Israelsen, Z. W 88 48 4.80 Johnson, George .. 418 103 27 2.70 Jensen, Chas. II 264 90 6 .60 Jensen, Magnus.... 200 303 Jensen, Magnus.... 95 44 4.40 Jones, Elijah 236 287 Jones, Elijah 101 19 1.90 Jensen, Henry...... 155 398 Jensen, Henry.-... 403 93 Jensen, Henry. 208 72 7.20 Krusl, William 258 434 Krusl, William 107 52 5.20 Kloepfer, Philip.... 181 295 Kloepfer, Philip.... 106 60 6.00 Kendrlck, John .... 47 330 Kendrlck. John.... 105 49 .4.90 Luthy, Fred 260110 12 1.20 Low, Wm. B 25 317 Low, Wm. B 108 19 1.90 Maddlson, Emily Y 209 32 3.20 Miller, Albert 267 117 24 2.40 Miller, Louis T 169 294 - Miller, Louis T 116 192 19.20 t'W Miller, Jacob 12 310 Miller, Jacob 112 84 8.40 Miller, Joseph H... 52 334 Miller, Josoph H... 113 48 4.80 Murdoclc, Robert.. 183 296 Murdoclc. Robert.. 429 126 240 24.00 Mnthews, D. II 27 118 33 3.30 MnthewR, Alma M. 75 348 Mathows, Alma M. 120 25 2.50 Mathews, Eugene D 85 121 24 2.40 Miller, Alma D 82 351 Miller, Alma D HI 20 2.60 Miller, Nophl E 86 353 Miller, Nophl H UG 60 C.00 Munson, John 1102 3C0 Munson. John t 183 32 3.20 Munson. Nela 104 125 27 2.70, i . . M. akaHB,aBa gmmaBmmmaBaMaBjBjMj Munson, NeVs, Jr... 103 367 Munson, Nets, Jr... 124 T 1.90 Nuttall. Benj. R. 428 142 340 24.00 Nielsen. Wm. E 233 137 12 1.30 Nielsen, Wm. C 217 136 12 1.20 Nielsen, Peter. 212134 9 .90 Nielsen. Ever 175 132 48 4.80 Nielsen, H. J 81 417 Nielsen, H. J 129 30 3.00 Nuttall, James D... 303 304 Nuttall, James D... 140 60 5.00 Neddo, I. J 69 342 Neddo, I. J 139 130 13.00 Olsen, George....... 214 35 3.50 Olsen, Niels P 116 376 Olsen. Niels P 145 38 3.80 Olsen, Olof 129 385 Olsen, Olof 147 19 1.90 Olsen, Swen 128 384 Olsen, Swen 146 76 7.60 Petersen, Ezra 265 165 30 3.00 Petersen, Annie.... 224 153 12 1.20 Petersen, Ernest.. 231 154 30 3.00 Pehrson, Lars 269 159 30 3.00 Parkinson, Wm. C. 274 149 30 3.00 Parkinson, Wm. B. 72 345 Parkinson, Wm. B. 148 96 9.60 Petersen, Larenti.. 221 152 30 3.00 Petersen, Peter L. 178 151 Petersen, Peter L. 438439 74 7.40 Providence ' School District... 207 160 6 .60 iPearce, Robert 186 297 Pearce, Robert 156 96 9.60 jRlnderknecht I Jacob 180165 7 .70 Rice, Margaret M, 192 166 18 1.80 I Rose, Thomas.- 195 300 Rose, Thomas 167 216 21.60 Rasmussen, 94 360 Rastus - 163 19 1.90 Scott, Olive 217 34 3.40 Scott, Ernest R 88 355 42 4.20 Scott, Isaac 109 370 I Scott, Isaac 176 96 9.60 iStuckl, John U 247 183 24 2.40 iSorensen, Julius.... 220 4 .40 IStcnder, Julius 182 180 300 30.00 Stauffer, Godfrey.. 14 311 Stauffer, Godfrey.. 170 30 3.00 Stauffer, Ulrlch.... 15 312 Stauffer, Ulrlch.... 171 109 10.90 Scbenk, Elizabeth 21 172 16 1.60 Squires, Wm. A 151 396 Squires, Wm. A 179 42 4.20 Swenson, Anne 204 293 Swenson, Anne 181 48 4.80 Theurer, David. . 238 288 Thourer, David 187 57 5.70 Theurer, Fred 28 250 Theurer, Fred ...... 319 185 127 12.70 Theurer, John 70 343 Theurer, John 186 9 .90 Tlbbltts, Geo. H... 242 191 32 3.20 Tlbbltts, L. E. . 30 321 Tlbbltts, L. E 188 19 1.90 Tlbbltts, Benj. R... 32 322 Tlbbltts, Benj. R... 189 19 1.90 Tlbbltts, Edgar. 46 329 Tlbbltts, Edgar...... 190 19 1.90 Traber, Roslna 77 193 12 1.20 Thorpe, J. H 139 390 Thorpe, J. H. 192 80 8.00 Wettsteln, Daniel 261 197 7 .70 Wilson, A. G 176 4 .40 Yost, Anna 16 198 36 3.60 Zollinger, Jacob 68 223 Zollinger, Jacob 341 252 Zollinger. Jacob.... 200 192 19.20 Zollinger, F. Jr..... 79 350 Zollinger, F. Jr.-.. 202 96 9.60 Zollinger, Ferdinand 80 201 21 2.10 Zollinger, Jacob E. 92 358 Zollinger, Jacob E. 203 103 10.30 And In accordance with law and an order of the Board of Directors, made on the 13th day of April, 1917, so many shares of each parcel of the above stock, as may be necessary, will be sold at Mlllvlllo, Cache County, Coun-ty, Utah, at the Flour Mill owned by the South Cache Milling Company, on the 5th day of July, 1917, at the hour of 9 o'clock a. m., to pay delinquent assessments thereon, together with the costs of advertising and expense of salo. JOSEPH A. SMITH, Secretary. Offico of Secretary, Providence, Utah. adv. DELINQUENT NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS OF"LOOAN, HYDE PARK & SMJTIIFIELD CANAL COMPANY Location of Prlncliwil Place of Business, Busi-ness, Logan, Utah. NOTICE. There are delinquent upon the following fol-lowing described stock, on account of assessment levied on the 11th day of April, 1917, tho soveral amounts set opposite the names of the respective respec-tive stockholders as follows: 55 2 ? ? 3 a a 1 NAMES K J I r a 2 1 ' I I w Derger, Gottlelt 2 558TlT60 Hlbbard, J. W 2.75 93C 2.20 Johanaen, Johanna .. 6 431 4.80 Jensen, Joseph C 50 .40 Miller, Nephl E 2 890 1.G0 McNeil. Wm 1 436 .80 Palmer, J.E. &. E.W. 10 231 4.00 Roskolloy, Mary J. .. G.60 908 5.26 Smith. Edward 0 7 9CC C.G0 Utah Mtg., Loan Cor. .70 917 .50 Woolf, Ellon II 50 .40 And In nccordanco with law, and an order of tho board of directors inado on tho llih day of April, 1917. so mnny shares of each parcel of such stock as may bo necessary, will bo sold at the front door of tho Court I .r House, Logan, Utah, an the 11th day t July. 1917, at the hour or 2 o'clock p. m. to pay the delinquent assessment assess-ment thereon, together .with the ooat of advertising and' expense of sale, LARS C. PETER8EN,' Secretary. Dated at Logan, Utah, June 22, 19.17.adr.. 7-11., a LOGAN NORTHERN IRRIGATION COMPANY Principal Place of Business, Logan, Utah. NOTICE. There are delinquent upon the following fol-lowing described stock on account of an assessment levied on the 31st day of March, 1917, tho several amounts set opposite the-nanie, of the respective re-spective 'shareholderst'as .follows : ' v . .. -a.. -a V! fl CO s' NAME g , O 5 5 s s r 5 ! 1 UL Adams, Walter 68 5 $6.25 Adams, Hugh 76 2 2.50 Abegg, M. L 482 V, .65 Allen, J. V 219 28 U 35.30 Blotter, Fred 79 2 2.50 Arrowsmlth, Rose .... 1 1.25 Cardon, Moses 0 155 .65 Cardon, Joseph E 648 1H 1.90 Cardon, Geo. D 660 2 2.50 Crowther, Joseph .... 581 .65 Farrell, Geo. L 507 Farroll, Geo. L 508 25 27.50 Henderson, W. W H .65 Hansen, Peter 233 4 5.65 Holjlson, Carl 264 V, .65 Hlllyard, Victor A 278 7 8.75 Johansen, Adolph .... 114 2 2.50 Jensen, Maria K 13 13.75 Jones, Isaac A 166 2 2.50 Jeffs, Samuel 198 ' .65 Laur. Alice 565 3 3.7C McCann, Albert 528 McCann, Albert 642 McCann, Albert 645 23 25. 6r Meikle, James 286 21 13.25 Melkle, James J 441 13 9.90 Noble, Harper W 423 Noble, Harper W 661 12 15.65 Noble, Ira E 425 6 7.50 Logan Rapid Transit Co 506 30 37.50 Petersen, Mrs. Peter 2-3 .85 Pitcher, William 277 I Pitcher, William 318 Pitcher, William 355 Pitcher, William . 50919i 24.70 Petersen, Ephralm j j 1 2.20 Roskelley, Sarah M.B.260 4 5.00 Rowley, T. J 149 2 2.50 Richards, F. W 16511 HI .30 Smlthfleld W. Benchl I j Irrigation Co 16751 3 3.75 Stetner, John A 811 2 j 2.50 Swensen. Charles .-.11081 1 1.90 Smith, Manfred 12471 j Smith, Manfred J451J12 j 6.00 And In accordance with law, so many shares of each parcel of such stock as may be necessary will be sold at the front door of the Court House, Logan, Utah, on tho 10th day of July, 1917, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., to pay the delinquent assessment thoroon, togethor with the cost of advertising and expense of sale. Dated at Logan, Utah, June 20th, 1917. J. W. SEAMONS, Secrotary ft Treasurer, adv. 7-12. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION, -Town' of, Hyde Park, Cache County, Bute of Umh. Whereas, there Is an immediate and pressing need of raising funds for Increasing, Improving, enlarging, extending, perfecting, and adding to the present water supply and water works system in said (own for the purpose of more adequately supply-tag supply-tag and distributing water to the inhabitants in-habitants of said town, said system and said water to be held and controlled con-trolled by said municipality. Now therefore notice is hereby given, that on Monday, the 9 th day of July, 1917, a special election will be held within tho corporate limits of town of Hyde Park, Cache County, Coun-ty, Utah, for the purpose of submitting submit-ting to such qualified electors of said town as shall have paid a property tax therein In the year proceeding such election, tho following question and proposition, tc-wlt: Shall bonds of Town of Hyde Park, Cache County, Utah, In the sum of eight thousand dollars ($8000), pay-ablo pay-ablo In not to exceed twenty (20) years from tho date of the Issuance, bearing Interest at the rate of not to exceed six (6) per cont per annum, Interest payable semi-annually, bo Issued and sold for the purpose of raising funds for Increasing, Improving, Improv-ing, enlarging, extending, perfecting, and adding to the present water sys-torn sys-torn and water supply of said town, tho said water supply and water works system aro to be owned and controlled by said municipality. At said election tho form of ballot shall bo as follows: HOND ELECTION BALLOT For tho Issuance of Water bonds. - N M At said election tho polls shall bo opened at 7 o'clock a. m. and closo nt tho hour of 7 o'clock p. m. The voting or polling place In said town at such election for all qualified voters therein shall be at the Vestry of tho Rock Meeting Houso. Dated at Town of Hydo Park, Cache County, Utah, this 8th day of June, 1917. By order of the Board 'of Trustees of Town of Hyde Park, Cache County, Utah. J. W. D. HURREN, President. Attest: J. W. SEAMONS, (Seal of Town) Town Clerk, adv. 7-7. a a NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT. Notice Is horeby given that Mrs. Josephine Baber, doing business at the Paris Millinery at Logan, Cache County, Utah, has made an assignment assign-ment of her property for tho benefit of all of her creditors to the under-slgnod, under-slgnod, and creditors will present vorlfled claims to the undersigned at his offico In the First National Bank building, Logan, Utah, on or bofore September 1st, 1917. Date of first publication, May 31, 1917. M. C. HARRIS, Assignee. adv. 7-7. NOTICE TO WATER USERS. State Engineer's Office, Salt Lako City, Utah, May 23, 1917. Notice Is hereby given that Eugene Schaub, whose postofflce address Is Logan, Utah, has made application In accordance with the requirements of tho Compiled Laws of Utah, 1907, as amended by the Session Laws of Utah, 1909, 1911 and 1916, to appropriate ap-propriate ono hundred ten (110) cubic feet of water per second from Blacksmith Fork River, Cacho Coun" ty, Utah. Said water will bo dlvortod at a point which lies 3152 feet south and 1393 foot east from tho south-oast south-oast corner of Section 34, Township 11 north, Rango 1 east, Salt Lako base and meridian, and conveyed by means of a plpo lino for a dlstanco of 9300 feet and used from January 1 to December 31, Inclusive, of each year, to generate power for tho purpose pur-pose of producing electric light and for' propelling machinery In Cacho County, Utah. After having been so used, tho water will bo returned at a point which lies 2301 feet west of the northeast corner of said Section 31, This application Is designated In tho Stato Engineer's offico as No. 7228. All protests against tho granting of eald application, stating tho reasons rea-sons thorcforo, must bo mado by affidavit affi-davit in duplicate, accompanied by a fee of $2.50, and filed In this offico within thirty (30) days after tho eoaanleMen of the publication of this netlee. O. F. McQONAQLH, State Engineer. Date of first publication May 30. lf-,17, date of completion of publication publica-tion June 29, 1817. adv. 6-30. ' PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICE. Consult the Coaaty Clerk or the Respective Signers ,for Further Information. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the District Court of tho First Judicial District of the Stato of Utah, In and For tho County of Cache. In tho matter of tho estate of Christopher Newbrand, deceased. Creditors will pnwont claims with vouchers, to the undersigned admin-' Istrator nt Logan City, Cache County, Coun-ty, Utah, on or before tho 31st day of October, 1917. Dato of first publication, Juno 16, 1917. ABSOLUM BURRIS. Administrator of the estato of Christopher Newbrand, deceased. A. A. LAW, Atty. for Estato. adv. 7-30. e NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In tho District Court nf tho First Judicial District of tho Sltito of Utah, In ami For tho County of Cache. In tho matter of the estate of Louisa Ann Boll, deceasod. Creditors will present claims with vouchers, to tho undersigned administrator admin-istrator at Logan City, Cacho County, Utah, on or beforo tho 31st day of October, 1917. Dato of first publication, Juno 16, 1917. ADELBERT BELL, Executor of tho last will and testament test-ament of Louisa Ann Bell, deceased. A. A. LAW, Atty. for Estato. adv. 7-20. I Has a Good Opinion of Chamberlain's Chamber-lain's Tablets. "Chamberlain's Tablets aro a wonder. won-der. I never sold anything that beat thorn," writes F. B. Trousey, Richmond, Rich-mond, Ky. When troubled with Indigestion Indi-gestion or constipation give thorn a trial. adv. f S. B. THATCHER Dentist GEO. W. THATCHER RLDQ. Over Shamhart-Chrljtensen Co. Office Hour: 8 at. m. to 19 m., 1 p. m. to B p. m. PHONE 03. Logan, Utah. I- $199 Reward, $ Iff The readers of this paper will be sH M4 to learn that than la at laat on BaaTa! dreaded disease that Klenca has baao aafj able to cur In all Ita ataaaa. and that to Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cur la t!ia onlr poaltlva cura now known to- tha medical ! fraternity. Catarrh bain a conatltutlonal dlaaaae, require a conatltutlonal treat- mnt. Haifa Catarrh euro la taken In- ternallr. nttlnc illrectlr upon tha blood and mucous aurfaoea of the ayatem. there- ftaV br rieatrorlna- the foundation of the dla- PS eaee. and ilvlnf the patient atreacth by, bulldlna np the constitution and aaalitloaT Rature In dotnf Ita work. Tha proprietors bbbbTi ava ao much faith In Ita curative pow- M era that they nftr One Hundred Dollars for any case 'that It falls to cur. Sand for Hat or testimonial. H Aitrreai T. 1. CIICNBT CO, Teledo. O. aid br ell nraittsts Tie. H Take lUll'a ramliy f.ll for aaaatlpatle. M 3SSSBSESS3aasaaaBaesaBBBBBBBaaeei H Net Long. Thugh. M A little cold cabn'y will enable manj M a man to have a pretty, hot Mm. M j. a ZOMBRO 1 I CHIROPRACTOR North Stairway, Arioso Moak. jH Office Hours, 0 to 11 tad to B. jH Evenings by Appointment. H J.W.GARDNER LAWYER JH County Attorney H Room 8 Court Boose, Phone BM H 1 J L. E. NELSON fl Lawyer II ARIMO BLOCK 111 Opposite Court Hone jH PHONE SB. . G. L. CHADWICK CI Chiropractor 91 Arlmo Block PIumm 1U l Offic Hours: 9 to 11:30 a. aa. ( 1:30 to 5:00 p. m. jM Evening from 6 to 7 p. m. H LOGAN WALL PAPER I AND PAINT CO. 1 J. F. Shirmeister, Mgr. I PAINTERS PAPERHANGERS -J A large assortment of WALL PAPERS carried in itock ly Phone Store 782-w I 1 Residence 745-w n I WALTERS & HARRIS I 1 ATTORNKVB AT LAW ll Orar'riMt National Bank E Phoae Ml Logan, UkaJa V ASA BULLEN LAWYER fl It Commercial Bloek H Phone Ms) Logan H A. A. LAW I I LAWYKR li In Arlmo Bloek, acree frem tw ' I Ceurt Heme Phana M J I (E. S. CHAMBERS I 'J LAWYatR W Arlmo Black P One Door North af PeetaHlM flH Telephone 42 j eBBBBBafeaBBBBBBafaBBBBBBeB Im am am aa ana aa am at n In conatant favor ABERDEEN "" cauae they have consistently made ANU pc;;: The highest of j onDiaUn " arund cai ornHib """" These coal coat ne more than tha CANYON COALS j The M & L. I Coal and Wood Co. I PHONE 74 LOGAN, UTAHJ I !mnfl laneaafl |