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Show V. "1 wish they'd had Eiecric:ty ! )J when i was a bey" k x ''I ""as frtwr iiirnitiR thc rnni) -,ii, !t n churning, or ciui ir LuiUI-iik when I warmd B& V r tn ko mimm-nit or fishinc ntcr hail a Wt I chance to rist always milking, cuttmy fttd J5iA V1 1 n ur Rrmding corn " -I? V U Klectricitv lias takeij tic clrm1- rV$ If fcry ollt f fa" labor. Almost ' X every loutim; task on the farm, in j M the dairy or about the house can ' ' now be done by a G-K motor in a fraction of the timu foimcrly re- I quired and without physical exer- tion. Costs less than hiring farm I hands, tool -' 'J Let us bhow you how --xnSoA Utah Power & (S J !no LishtCo. wJU3 fl &? Kfflclent I'ubllc !SSL$F3$ V ilG Sen Ice. f'V-Ak J " ' ' Lj (c$l v&t, WSir"Bii "jlWUlllim I I mi g'TWrw, ;i!JKVrmnnr-gSi.. J,.,rBT9'yTr i " Fl'P UX T It ? monmmarm-- Hajs firmly 4rnsn rVl'"A rit V 111 y O toit tt MkMiHi ot Btter i Hoe. A wonderful fbook showipnearly one hundred hun-dred designs,' with -photographed drawings, floor plans and f descriptions, of modern, artistic step-saving, moderate priced HOMES the prfce designs'of Jhe year. 1 Also" a few selected'seientific barns, silos j garages, etc. v You should see these designs NOW no hiat- 7" ter when you intend to build just to -know what a HOME should be. Unequalled in exterior beauty the interior arrangements have features novel and necessary which very few other plans possess pos-sess and which should be in every HOME. It is a liberal education in modern HOME making to study these designs. If you can not come to our office, we will be glad to show them to you at any convenient time and place and then you'll understand why we are so enthusiastic. , K -j ; , Investigate our FREE PLAN OFFER ANDERSON & SONS COMPANY "We Specialize in Homes" Lumber Yards in Utah and Idaho. i Truebite Teeth - - When yon want a set of teeth, you want the- best set obtainable, and that Is what yon get In tho Truebite. From every point of view It U the Tooth Prominent. It is colored right, and tho tooth forms are perfect types of natural teeth. They make yon look right, and they """ give yon service. We produce them for less money than yon are com """ polled to pay for thcordtnary set elsewhere. We absolutely abso-lutely refuse to admit that anyone can make a better fin- l lshed plate or ono that will fit better. If yon need a set or If the old ones don't exactly suit, you can't do 'better than to separate yourself'from enough money to get a set. You will never make a better investment. Wo hnvo tho best office in tho North, equipped up to tho mlnnto and aro prepared to glvo you the best scrvlco In every branch of dentistry, at a great saving. Truebitcs, single plate $12.00 Truebites, full set $20.00 Painless Extractions 50c. Crown and Bridge Work $5.00 per tooth. All other service at proportionate prices. Come and See Us We will both be benefitted. IDrs. ENSIGN and SMITH , 85 North Main Street, Logan, Utah. . . S Rse Festival I I Portland; Oregon J June 13-13,1917 Excursions via j I OREGON SHORT LINE I I v (Union Pacific System) ," ' I June 9, 10, 11; I j , B Limit, June 24th. 1 I H See Agents for further ' 1 , H details. 1 1 B v ' i 8BgaratMxTflrrmirTin |