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Show m tm FATHER ACQUITTED, SON CONVICTED IN MAIL FRAUD CA8E Los Angoles, Cal., Juno 3. The, trial of G. P. and C. P. Bowers, father fa-ther and son, charged with having used the malls to defraud In connection connec-tion with the salo of banana lands near Tampico, Mexico, resulted today In a Jury In tho United States district dis-trict court acquitting tho elder and convicting tho younger man. Attorneys Attor-neys for tho convicted man announced announc-ed their Intontlon of appealing and sentenco was deferred. Tho two men wero Indicted after an extended Investigation of their land brokerage concern, known ns C. P. Bowers & Co., with headquarters In Los Angeles. Indicted with them was tho secretary of tho company Miss Helen Myers, an actress, but 1 charges against her wero dropped and sho appeared as tho principal govern- I ment withness against tho two men ' who wero said to hnvo netted 135,000 t through their operations. |