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Show RURAL CAHUIEIt, EXAMINATION The United state Civil Serylce Commission has announced an examination exam-ination for the County of' Cache, Utah, to be held at Logan, bii August Aug-ust 231919, to fill the position or rural carrier at Lowlston and vacancies vacan-cies that may latter occur on rural routes from other post offices in the above mentioned county. The examination exam-ination will be open only to citizens who aro actually domiciled In the territory of n post olllco in the county coun-ty and who meet tho other requirements require-ments sot forth In Form No. 1977. This form nnd application blanks may b obtnlnod fiom tho odlcos mqntlon-ed mqntlon-ed nbovo or trom tho UnlteStntes Civil Scrvlco Commission at ,Wnsli-Ington, ,Wnsli-Ington, D. C. Applications should'be rorwarded to tho ComUslon at Wnsn-ingtonat Wnsn-ingtonat tho earliest practicable date, ' |