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Show 'ANDRUS" THIRD 1 BASEMAN STARS 1 FOR LOGAN . 1 Lyn Aiidrus, tho third bnsoinun R&V on the Logan learn played a star ! KB game yesterday on the "Y" park. ' ' PHI lie picked up two had grounders and ' EH landed them ocr to first base lu , wU plenty of time to shut tho runner off H nnd nvold a talley. llu had four" ' HH put outs, thrca assists and out M . HH four times at bat lie lauded on throe ; for safe hits. Gene Caldera, pitcher ' for ligan went through the entire jflfl game In good form, having Boven , HB strike outs In his favor. Tho UoxburgJ team started Hail lu tho box, but tliol , 'Logan sluggers got noxt it, him lu3 H tho fourth and ho was roncved byl , HI Davis who finished thoi game. Ityi i H I was rathor a poor exhibition duo to Hj tho many errors which crept Into Jt. i' This was the sixth gnmo ot thivl j HI series and thus far the teams nro'1! I tied. Logan threo games won and Hi illoxburg'tlireo. Tho deciding gamo , will In nil probability bo played at - HI Ilcxburg tomorrow. Tho gamo yes- HI teray ended G to C nt favor ot Lo'-' H HI |