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Show College to Reduce i The Cost of Living The student's dollar will go a long way jvhen spent for food at the Agricultural Agri-cultural College tho cpming school year, In spite of tho high and rising cost of living, says manager O, Cool-ey Cool-ey who Is In charge of the Colloo Cafeteria. Three meals a day, six days a week, with something extra special on Sunday, Is what Manager Coolcy promises, and all at cobI. The collego col-lego has undertaken to provldo board for tho students with two purposes In view. Any scarcity of boarding places that may exlBt will thus be inado up and tho students will get their meals at much lower cost. Tho cafotorln Is run with no thought of profit, nnd with no overhead expenses expens-es nnd by buying In largo quantities It Is posslblo to furnish meals nt what seems now absurdly low prlecs. In tho past students havo been ablo to get their noon meal at tho .Collego Cafeteria for from 15 conlsl for a lunch to 35 cents for a dlnnor consisting of soup, meat, vegetables, I bread and butter, salad nnd desert. Mr. Coloy promises tho enmo low prices for tho coming year. A comprehensive canvas ot I.ocan "Sly . now j'-m' coin u we. :u .. "r.umi to -Ti;nr;iHn tc ivallnol" o?iiir und jv.r-we irciMinnodH-tm irciMinnodH-tm :n")i'M -,5sJ 'iMoenrit ;n! ) vi inl'ep -a" "t 'ni c.ii'nc w:n-ter. w:n-ter. in enso tho extra largo enrollment enroll-ment expected by collego authorities threatens to overcrowd tho existing facilities, tho collego will meet the situation by seeing that sufficient ac commodations aro provided, Upon iH tho completion of tho present sur- ifH vey1 tho collego will bo In closo touch ' H with tho situation und It it appears ! that thero wilt be any shortage in ' H suitable places for student's the Instt' ' I tutlon will take the necessary steps ! I to Incrcao tho available accommoda- I I tlons. 1 1 |