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Show REVISED MAIL SCHEDULE FOR LOGAN Kffectho S.ilurduy, AukubI 16, 1'JlU. the foluwlng electric c.ir service ser-vice changes will occur: 0. 1. service will be extended over ov-er the line of the Utah Idaho Central Cen-tral lallrod fioiu Logan, Utah, to Prestou, Idaho, one round tilp of closed pouch beivlce dally except Sundays. Closed pouch set vice now performed perform-ed In train 13, leaving Ogden at 8.30 p. m. will he discontinued and C. P. service will be established In tiuln 3 leaving Ogden at 7:30 a. in., urilvlng In Logan t 10 n. m. and 1'iestuu, 11 a. lu. Closed pouch servlco will bo pet-formed pet-formed In tiuin H leaving Piestnn it t:55 p. in. arillng at Logan at t p. in.; Doweyvlllu 7:10 p. m. An additional trip from Logan to 1'iovldeiice and Mlllvlllu will bo established es-tablished In train 1- leaving Logan at 3:50 p. m. in living lit l'l evidence 3:55 p. in. and Millillt) 4 p. in. Tilp fornieily pei formed In train 3, Mlllivle to LogHii, will bu taken I upthlough servlco In tinln 3, Ogden to T'lestoii. Effective August 1G, 1919, pouches f i om Ogden and Ilutte und Salt Luke City tialn 30 to Logan via train 13 will be discontinued. Commencing August 16th the following fol-lowing pouches wjfl be duo to be made by ofllccs concerned and carried car-ried In the trains Indicated. Fiom Ogden lu Logan, via train 3. daily except Sundays. Kiom Mllvllle to Loga'u, train 3, daly except Sundays. From Providence to Logan, train 3 dally except Sundays. From Logan to Hyde Pnrk train 3, daily except Sundays. From Logun to Siulthflcld, train I 3, 'dully except Sunduys. j Fiom Logan to Richmond, train 3, I dally except Sundays. I From Logun to Lewlston, train 3, 1 dally except Sunduys. I From Logan to Preston, 'train 3, I dally e.xcept Sundays. I From Preston to Logun, tialn 14, I dully except Sundays. From Lowislon to Lognn, tinln 14, dally except Sundays. From Richmond to Logan, train 14 dally except Sundays. From Sinlthfleld to Lognn, train 14, dally except Sundays. From Hydo Park to Logan, train 14, dally except Sundays. From Lognn to Providence, train 14, dally except Sundays. From Logan to Mlllvllle, train 14, dally except Sundays. From Logan to Butte and Salt Lake City, S. D tinln 30, dnlly except ex-cept Sunday. From Logan to Providence, train 12, dally except Sundays, From Logan to Mlllvllle, train 12, dally except Sundays. All pouches should contain ordinary ordin-ary malls only- except pouches from Logan to Butte and Salt Lake City, j 8. D train 30, Mlllvllle and Provl-denco Provl-denco train 14. Bulky parcels post mall should bo dispatched to steam trains only by ofllccs north of Logan. J. M. .BLAIR, Postmaster |