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Show If IBeleive It Saved .H J, Afy Life 5ie Says Kt .' ,., - Ono of the most lntersting of the E many 'remarkable statements made K ' la connection with Tanlao was given Kf't . ky Mrs. Marie J, Howard, who res-Kj! res-Kj! f '. Men at 403 Westlake Ave. North K ; Seattle, recently: Mrs Howard has Kj - een a resident of Seattle for the 4 ' tut eighteen years, and before her H h marriage we a trained nurse and a Kj v graduate of Bellovuo Hospital., New. T' York. When asked If should be wll- ling for her statement to bo publlsh- ' cd, she said, "Yes; Indeed, and you may start It by sayln gthat I bellevo B' ' Tanlac has saved my life.. ; t :"I have suffered from stomach K . troubel and disordered Jlvcr and kid- K !.;,? says for. five years and had' gotten BSfl ''"VV'- tar,uch R bad condition'; that I hon- Mlv' ,y Mi ,lke'1 w" Kolhg to die Everything I would eat fermented ln my stomach and the gas formed by It would cause my "heart to palpi-tato palpi-tato so my breath would almost stop There was Intense pains all through my back about my liver and kidneys and I cant begin to tell how I did suffer. I. had fearful headaches and ' was so nervous I hardly knew wimt sleep was. I was so often down in bed for a week at a time hardly able to raise my hand. Then I would manago to stay up for two or throo days, but would have to give up and take to my bed again;"" I would often go for twow three days .without,, eating a mouthful of anything. any-thing. J. loVwolgat rlgbjilong ami ,am telling the positive trutb when 1 say 1 was la such an ..awful condl-. condl-. . ' i- ' ' tlon that I thought I was going to" die. "After roadlng and hearing so much about Tanlac I bought a bottle thinking It It did others so much good porliaps It might help me too. Well, It has not only helped nfo, but I havo actually gained twenty-five pounds filneo I began taking It and havo never felt better In y life. My nppotlto In good and my stomach Is In such splondld condition that I can hardly cat enough and I don't suffer suf-fer a particle afterwards. All tvy pain and misery Is gone, my kldnoys and liver nro acting splendidly and my nerves nro perfectly strong nnrt normal. I sleep every night Hko a child, and don't. knowSvhat It fs to have a hoadache. My husband has 'also taken Tanlac with wonder rul results. In fact I think It hai ('one him as much good ns'it has me, and wo both consider it the fln9t nn1'-cln nn1'-cln cmado." Tanlao Is told la x,ogan by the City Drug Co.; In Wellsvllle, b ' Wellsville Drug Co.; In Smlthfleld by niter Bros.. Drug Co.; In Hyrum by Hyrum Drug Co.; ta Richmond by A. A. Thomas, and la Lewlston by Lewlston Drug Co. Adrt |