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Show BELGIUM CAPT. SPEAKES TO , . JOLDIERS vDeelariag thatla the aiisiat war wo are ap ageiast'the greatest salutary salu-tary machine 'the world has ever seen and that e shall be lucky if we whip the Hub before 1J1, Captain Cap-tain J. M. De Beaufort, Count of the Duchy ot Luxemburg, formerly of the Belgian Army, In an address delivered de-livered today to the men ot the Utah Agricultural College Training Detach i meat, Impressed upon the audience the: extreme danger o f entertaining i at, this time any. idea that peace will' ooBce soon: "Any peace concluded this year must.be .Inconclusive, a mere breathing period before another, anoth-er, aad greater war.".sld Captain do BeSrtdrmaiy wants peace to? day beeause peace means victory. The 1 Allies cannot consider peace; until the present military organization of Germany is annihilated.'' "As long 'as Germany maintains her present military organisation peace' Is Impossible. In Germany, the army does not belong tcCthe emJ pire; the empire belongs to the army." 'captain de Beaufort paid high compliment to the excellent qualities of ,the American as a fighter, but ha cautioned the men before him that good fighters are not always good soldiers. T; fTo make, a. good soldier a man must know discipline. If. the American Amer-ican soldier has aay fault, it is that he le'teo Impetuous.. You mea'whea .you got to the treat must rememr fcer thai yam haveao right torMc yo'urt Uvea . needlessly. One, maala the trench. Is. worth pie hundred la the hospital Man for maVyou are superior to the German soldier. But j remember that the German has be-htn be-htn him the organisation of the Prussian military system." In characterising voa Hlndenhurg, Captain de Beaufort said that the' leader of Germany's. Armies might be described la two? words brutally and science", With huge body, large .hands, big feet, Hlndenburg has.a; relatively small hea' ahtf' smail eyes. .At present Captain .de Beaufort, appearing oaOte KUlson WaUo'Clwa' tauqua circuit; He expects to re- . ' t& r ' , iV'p turn to the front In two months but ' ; with the American Army because r ilnee October last he has been aa M, American "cltlcen. Routine work has already begun .1 for the mea In training as mechatf- ics at the Utah Agricultural .College, i Since their arrival on Saturday they 1 have busied themselves with getting their quarters in the 'sew live stock building in shape aad with the elements ele-ments ot military drill.. Oae of the , '. , first acts of the detachment was to erect a flag pole and, raise-Old Glory to hot place of honor. On five days of each week long hours wHl be speat In the Mocaaale Arts building of the College In. teen- - ' nieal trades.-Everyday military 'drUl1" -; will bo, held. The mea are taaw measured far malformite aa4rf:wao4mB tieie arrive ad thoaieahave1 re- ' covered from their vaeclaatloas for typhoid and fever they will be well ' on the way to becoming soldiers. j |