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Show Family Thought He 1 Was Going To Die "Well, sir, Tanlao tans not only, entirely relieved mo of my awful trouble, but I have regained twenty- five pounds of my lost weight, and never felt stronger and better In my life," said Harry B. Wheeler, who la employed at the Pacific Coast Plant and lives at 4744 Forty-Eighth Ave,,4 South, Seattle, the other day. jr "About a year ago," he continued 1 "I began to suffer with Intestinal Indigestion that, In spite of all I could do, got worse and worse till i X was In a terrible condition. Ev- I erythtng I would eat fermented and I would be in such agony, that It was like, a sharp knife cutting clean across my stomach. I got bo weak that I could hardly do a thins;, and It was only my will power that kept me going at all. When I would get some at night I would, be so weak and in so much pain that my wife was 'always ready with a hot water bottle to put right on me, and even then' I would bo In such agony at timet I thought it would drive me distracted. My hips ached with then-, then-, ,t , matism, and the muscles of my right arm leg would get all drawn Into Knots, and at times I couldn't raise my arm halfway to my head. I went down In weight from two huu- idred pounds to n hundred nnd fifty-two, fifty-two, a loss of forty-ejpht pounds, and tny condition .was so serious that my family actually thought I was going to die. "I tried everything I could hear of to get relief, but nothing did ;ne any good. Then my sister-in-law, who had been suffering with iheu-matism, iheu-matism, got me to try Tanla, as It done her so much good. 1 got a I bottle and when I found it was help-lng help-lng me, I Just kept it up till now I I haven't any pain or an ache about me. I have a splendid appetite, and can eat anything I want' without tt .hurting me In the least. I used to I lay awake ntghtatter night suffer-I suffer-I in gterrlbly, but now I go to sleep i as soon as m yhead hits the pillow, , and sleep like a log all night. 1 am (Picking up la weight every day and ,am feeling so fine and well that 1 I am glad to tell everybody how much I this wonderful medicine has bene-(fitter bene-(fitter me." Teniae Is letd In XAgan by 'the City Drug Co.; In Wellsvllle, b IWellsville Drug Co.; in Smlthfleld by Rlter Bros. Drug Co.; In Hyrum by HyrumDrug Co.; In Richmond by A. A. Thomas, and In Lewlston by ,LewIston Drug Co. Advt. 'fTHCWvA$H.IN"Cfi' -pvesones BBBbV,2K- BBBBBBM fsspBBspBBspM jBsBI 'ff (liBBH Meal V IT"".i 1BBBBBBBBbM , AJ BBBBKBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BSBBBBBBBBBB I bbhBBbBbBbBm W9BBBI aVjHiBM TMMa4 -. fEaiiH The Kaiser's Shadow OclavusIivGbhen anl JUGiesyAreafctf fyRVjllfamNeill ' ' fi&bpapheity John Stumar; vSup6-utaf Thomas Rlnca if H APPLES 1 Bring in your Early M Apples to M RASMUSSEN BAZARR I And get ready cash S SWIMMING POOL, JUNIOR I HIGH SCHOOL I HOURS Boys 1 to 3 p. m. Girls 3 to 4 p. m. Open 4 to 5 p. m. Men 5 to 7 p. m. I Parties ........... 7 to Closing PRICES Boys and Girls 10c Men 25c Parties, per hour $1.50 Phone 758 J and 254J 10 CENT "CASCARETS"! FOR LIVER AND BOWELS Cure tlek Headsehs, Constipation, Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad . Breath Candy Cathartlo, Ho 6dde how bad your liver, stomach or bowels; how much your head aches, how miserable you are from constipation, constipa-tion, Indigestion, biliousness and sluggish slug-gish bowels you always get relief with Oascarets. They Immediately cleanse and regulate the stomach, remove the sour, fermenting food and foul gasest take the excess bile from the liver and carry off the constipated waato matter and poison from tho intestines and bowels. A 10-ccnt box'irom your drug-lUt drug-lUt will keep your liver and bowels clean; stomach sweet and head dear for aiontb They work while you sleep.' Has Anyone Died, Eloped, Married, Divorced, "' Embezzled, ' Left town, , Had a fire Had a baby, Broke a leg, Had a party, Sold a farm, Had twins or Rheumatism, Struck it rich, Been arrested. Come to town, Bought a home, Boought whiskey, Stole a cow or Tho neighbor's wife, Committed suicide, Committed a murdor, Bought an automobllo, Fallen from an aeroplane, Hun away with a hundsomer man. That's newv phono 18 nnd no will publish 1U THE LOGAN REPUBLICAN WHKN THB DOCTOR IB AWAY H People art ottea veer auMk AlMf VH pointed flad that, ttetr family ,H paysleiaa la away froaa Borne wketj H they most need hla services. Disease; H tike pala la the stomach and bowels. H eollo and diarrhoea, require prompt 'H treatment, and have la many In- H stances proven fatal before medlclnr could be procured or a physiclaa H summoned. The right way la to keep JH at kand a bottle of Chamberlain's H Collo and Diarrhoea Remedp. No physician can prescribe a better med- H telne for these dlsoaaos. Dy haying It H In the house you escape much pala H and suffering and all risk. Buy It 'H now; It may save life. Advt. .H - rM LEGAL NOTICES i H Probate And Guardianship m .jH Notices "-M vH Consult The County Clerk -M Or The Respective Signers H For Further Information H Notice To Creditors M In tho District Court of the First H Judicial District State of UJab, la x ' and for the County of Cache. , i) In the matter of the estate of f 'iH Adolbp Ferdinend Henrlksen, de- il:.'sH ceased. ':m Creditors will present claims with ', M vouchers to the undersigned at the , ; office of Leon Fonnesbck, Arias .M block, Loan City, Utah, on or be- ' H fore the 22nd day of October, 1018. H MARIS H. RASMUSSEN, H Administratrix. M LEON FONNESBECK, H Attorney for Administratrix. 'H (Date of first publication Aug- H oat 1, 1918) Adr " H H NOTICE TO CREDITORS t M Estate of Joseph Howell, Deceased , .H Creditors will present their claims H with vouchors to tho underslgnol, administrator of said estate, at H Howell Brothers Clothing store, tt H Logan, Cache County, Utah, on or H beforo tho 19 th day of December, H H Data of first publication August H 15th 1918. ' M WILLIAM M. HOWELL, i M Administrator. ,H P'ltESTON D. RICHARDS, ' H Attorney 812-18 JM - -. H 0?-l?SrSE8TER S PiLLS ' fl "t'-X .IMBIIIAMOrm IIRMT v D v" ' T1 "" '. ' lJu riku.ii. v -mum k Vlfl fLo no nlbr ll"r r ,P V .CM ijf niAiift-.n i.ium tiuH.1i.Tta -Sift H TMilknowrMII-t S'rt.AIlrKcl'.llt Sift rSOUJBVDKUuGiSTSRtWiHEWF $ |