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Show Hi THE RUSSIAN MENACE BJ . The' biggest problems of the war is Lssi J Russia. Already reports are coming that Russians are found fighting our , boys in France. If Germany can go m ' 4 ahead and make Russia fight and work : U n tor her,' the war is lost for us, no mat-II mat-II ter what military, victories are won in I France. BE It may be necessary eventually to send f an army to Russia. But if we do the I Russians may turn right around and side I with the Germans. Ir In every Russian town there are Ger- Hi man agents filling up the simple hearted p people with their lies. Why not form an 4m organization to tell the Russian people Hm the truth? Br." . It has bejen announced that Russian 1 citizens of the United States have volun- I,.' teered an army of 100,000 to fight for us If- in France. They could help a' lot in that &' way. But they could help far more if HP; , they were sent to Russia as' individual D"f, citizens, to counteract the German spies. K' If i we could put in every Russian town Hp'' representatives of our people whose bus-Ml: bus-Ml: iness it should be to work against the k7' German spies, tohelp the ignorant Rus-Mh Rus-Mh ' .sians find out the truth about the Ger-' Hp nians; to deny the lies the Germans tell ft - about us, it would do more good than the HW: arrniee. ' p;y .: The Germans have succeeded with K their .campifnin Russia-because they HK understood the Russian peopleIf we are . Hfcr ' to: win Russia back to our side ,to pre- Hp. vint Russia from becoming an ally of Hr - Germany, we niust take steps to under- pi stand the Russian people better; It is no ? ' - use to try to set up any form of govern- 14 njent there that they do -not want We Ki must appeal to what reason they have, KW d open their eyes to show them what k6 they will suffer'if they become subject to H' ' the Germans. Hy?-'' 'Literature in the Russian language, H;f motion pictures, truth telling represent-sssssnV' represent-sssssnV' ,,. tivgg all over Ruatia, this is the kind of BsssaHl k 1 "w' 1 I Igw.'v-.-v, .. |