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Show H I Ji f '' DEATHBED REPENTEOE m w Tlierc are many evidences of a death- B ff' "bed. repentence in Germany, In consider- m mr,, ang-these we must take into corisidera- B iff;-- tion the well established factthat"a death Biij .bed repentence is too often no repentence B mi " -at all when the patient gets well. H lf ' ne ern Vonvaerts gives evidence B :I,v " of the new feeling that is sweeping over B 1 'Hunland. We .quote (frdm the Vorwaerts: HJ.' "Tlle empire's policy which was wrong H; p .before the war, is calculated to leave Ger- H ' many is too proud to admit that force is H'.1 ,u unequal to. some situations. She thought H "u isuch admission a. sign of weakness." Let H kf.' us admit without shame Germany's dan- H Xi Ser, then friends will flock around us. H S. - If we continue the old policy, history will H' r say' that when Germany was in peril her H policy deprived her of friends." m '-y. ft is remarkaf le f or a Hun paper to ad- m : i mit that anything is wrong in Hunland, m Ji ; TJie Vorwaerts has previously found m t some things to criticize, but never before B J J- has it ben quite so frank as it is now. B ;;j - The deathbed repentence is further ev- B idenced by an article appearing 'in the B ., $ Munich Nachrichten. One of the things B ,1 f (Germany .was accused of for years be- B '$ &t ore this war began was her remarkable K -fe ' commercial practice of dumping goods B. ;; " in foreign markets to steal trade and B v ruin business of competitors. By doing , 1 ; this she also tore down high wage and B working conditions in those countres. B j g -v Germany now offers to discontinue f ;', ;t . this, if only the other nations will stop R '!; their march on Berlin and agree to peace H' 4' ; terms. From the Munich Nachrichten, ; '."" we quote: B It 'I JTh,e 'dumping' method, which consist- B V ; ed in selling at high prices at home, to en- B ? able us to play the cheap Jack abroad, m UV Inas been too long followed. It is an un- B ,L ' clean form of competition, which must H:L;, Tje publicly disowned and branded as a H I wrong and as a piece of dishonorable H ' "1 . donling." I ' e Q course it is a long way from Mun- H -J ' ' - ich ,tp .Berlin, and Bavaria isn't Prussia, B 2' B'J -'.' ,-.:- -------111'1 '&$&. " . r v u 1-' V'r:- H ' EkI .' ' tt;, v , L Bm&W&lfrimmWfitt ""' "' '-""' ' 5 '- " '' - ''k';1 but this is an induction that rea'son is beginning be-ginning to shed its light beyond tho Rhine. -The harder we pound at that German line in France and the more dents we make in it the quicker Germany will come across with more proffers to clean her hands, commercially and otherwise. |