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Show Charles Ray Scores 7r Hit In New Picture 'His Own Home Town' .. v- T Appearing la a characterisation wkMa he kaows hes hfw to portoay wIDk realism aad truth, Charles Ray was seen la his" aaw " Paramount photoplay, "HIa Owa. Homo Towa;" at the Lyric Theater yesterday. The photoplay at one demonstrated Its popularity aad greatly eahaaeed Mr. Ray's preatlg aa a elaoaw star ot th. first elaaa, ' Th Ueme of the play la that ot a young maa, who, ttghU.aelaHBUaty omsMisa and after asaay trials, make good la hla owa homo town. ChariMrfriiy appears aa Jimmy Duncan, .the eaergetla soa of the Rev, John Duncan, .a aypocrltteal minister, who Is th tool of TrWihm' Banks, thJ political booa at Werea-ester. Werea-ester. Jimmy to ambltioua,'to ahiae a a playwright, a career which hla father oppose with auch bitterness that Jimmy leavea the parental homo to aoek hla fortune elsewhere. Meanwhile, Mean-while, Banks .wltli Uteaid, of Jus-tto Jus-tto Jamesom aad Rev."Duncan, co'a-ftpl.tf.; co'a-ftpl.tf.; elty IU InhaMtaata ; to-iitltutlons. to-iitltutlons. t Jimmy returns, home at-ler at-ler a lapse o'f time, very much' like aj tramp" and Is coldly received by his fathen .Ho returns to hla room la which he had apeni so many happy hours, finds the Incompleted manuscript manu-script of a play, which he thrusts Into his pocket and with a typewrit er tucked under his arm he starts forth anew. Thla picture is filled with numer-Athrillinr numer-Athrillinr lBeWts,ira ,'W atlo action,and It haa a declded.heart appeal. One of the most thrilling incidents in the picture Is that of a fight In'a resort la which Jimmy en-gta' en-gta' proteot aiaa from despoil-attoaat despoil-attoaat theshada of. unprincipled gamblers and political hangers oa. This resulted la kto arrest and consequent con-sequent exile from the elty, aad waa a fitting prelude to 'the subsequent developmeato which follow la rapid suceisslon. |