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Show bbbbbbt V" I Hv I LOCAL NEWS bbbbV:'; . I ! I' V , ... Rt" n Rfll,.Goo' Luck horseshoe Urea' W 4 t North Utah Auto. Company., Ad tf gnBBBal " 3- . ';'-. -' - . ,-, ij;. J Jty: , a lo NelSon Is expecting ,to movo R' I' t ' Wyoming thta week- whore he will gnLRt 0 ' conduct a real estateVbuslness. v J J' ., ,'APt irs R ; M'i:0?0 bab Cknsart (or sale. Call J'' ' s H':"' . Mrs. John Lowerjr of Mantl Is In R v ;p Logan the' guest of ' her ' daughter, LH& h ? MrtNoraatH Ruu'd. .' BBBBBBBj bbbbbVf $ ' gagnP'f ' wArmiD--Ladr betvreea the age '.r'l ,0 w 40 rMra' wUh HOt mo'e V T two ek,IdrM cu at thla of. BLaW ' . Adr 114 LgK k- ' i ' " . . , flVDTriieayrD. O. Chlroprnctor, Aritno Blk., next to P. O., Phone 181 v Adl-tf The Wllford Woodruff camp of-of of-of the. Daughter of the Floners I were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hailstone nt. their camp la, 'Logan canyon Saturday. Bounteouk refreuhraents were served. The day c 'it , was enjoyed by all. ' We do first class vulcanizing. Logan Lo-gan Oarago ft Supply Co., North Main. Adv-tt The board of education baa 'sow adjusted its room space satisfactory ily to care for the second year of high school work. The course of study and plan of work at the high school will conform to the Smith Hughes education. putting out good work and no doubt tho Logan Garage and Supply Co. feci honored In securing lilj services, servic-es, ho being one of the very fow men who understand how to vulcanlzo cord tires. ' Plenty of grain sacks at the Farmers' Far-mers' Equity. Adv-8-24 The Ballard camp of the Daughters Daugh-ters ot tho Pioneers will meet Thursday Thurs-day at the Red Cross rooms to do Red Cross, work. The members are urged, to be present, . .. - Z- -' t .Good baby Go-cartfor sale.. Call 267J. . , , Adv Mrs. Sophia Thorpe announces the marriage of her daughter Vera, to Joseph M' Camptwll 'the "marriage to tafce place' on Wednesday, August 28; "1918, In the( Salt Lake temple. These young- people are Highly respected re-spected citizens of Providence and -they Are granted a successful: future. . v.. . c .!... ,.!.,; Tommy Green nd Hillyard Johnson, John-son, were taken to Salt Lake yester-day yester-day by Bishop N W. Merkley and will there be shown around.' tho town as well as the parks and places plac-es of amusement at thV'expense of the Evening Telegram., These boys have been working hard during the contest period and are now being shown "that their employer really appreciate their efforts as they all won this trip to Salt Lake by a big margin. They will return today. George Jr., ton of Mr. and Jlrs. George Q. Rich, is here visiting with his parents. He volunteered for service ser-vice in the navy last' May and has been stationed at San Pedro, Callf since that time. He has beelX.rec-ommended beelX.rec-ommended for training in tho pacers' pa-cers' Training Camp and speaka very highly of tho officers and men with whom he has come in contact alnce his enlistment. ., The War Chest will receive the handsome sum of thirty-six dollars as n result of the work done bjrthe "human fly" while In Logan latt week. Georgo Dunbar returned from Salt Lako last evening where ho went In tho interest of tho Cache County Fair association. He made a report, ot his trip last night to the mombers ot he Cache County Fair association and no doubt we will hear some. thing ot importance pertaining to the fair in the very near future " Miss Alton Spande returned Sunday Sun-day from an extended visit to Salt Lake. Mrs. L. P. Swendsen ot Richmond was In Logan yesterday and .reports that her son Myron arrived la France five weeks ago. She has hoard nothing ot him ether than his arrival aetlat, and ta somewhat anx-loisto anx-loisto get a line from "somewhere lnTFraae.".., Ume la this eity at the Lyric theatre with highly gratifying result yes. which was written by Robert W. Chambers author of many "best ael-terday. ael-terday. To laterest of the 'story which deals with the craving for drink Inherited by a 'society woman from bar paternal grandfather, and lers," Impressed Itself .upon tho audience aud-ience in no uncertain form, as was proved by the applause that greeted both the. picture and the star. The fidelity ot this plcturlsation ot Mr. Chambers' famous story is evident to all who have read the novel. no-vel. As Geraldlne Seagrave, the young society, woman and heiress, who struggles desperately to van- qulsh the drink demon, that lurks . in her physical mako up, Miss Fer-, guspn presents a portrayal ot rare artistic force and ono tht will rank high in her gallery of screen portraits. por-traits. Miss Ferguson is essentially essential-ly an emotional actress of such power as to entitle her to tho distinction dis-tinction ot being perhaps tho fore most artist In this particular field In the country. Her portrayal Was, In every, respect the most artistic of her screen career. |