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Show BIG SOCIAL GIVEN ! I AT SMITHFIELDI a ,.n . . " .. t . I I " ( ', SM1THFIELD,- August 22. One of the main social events ot tho weeitwa8"''aten6,wer on Mrs. N'.ta' Pomerop, given by her lady friend. I at .the home of Mrs. Pomeroy's sister sis-ter Mrs. Mariner Roskelley. Tho evening was spent in music and games after which refreshments were served. Many beautiful presents pres-ents were received and all present reported having a very nice time. An interesting debate was conducted con-ducted on Monday evening, August 19, In the Second ward tabernacle, The question "Resolved, That the Bible Teaches, That There Is Only One True God, Who is Eternal, True, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Holy Invisible In-visible Spirit and Who Creasted the Universe." j The Rev. Mr. Nutting presented the afnrmatlvo side wh'ile Elder Jos-v eph Nielsen ot Hyde Park took tho negative argument. It wasafriendly straight-forward discussion of the question. The afflrmatlvo represents the commonly trmed "Christian" vioiv of the God-head, while Elder Nl.il-P Nl.il-P EPJln presenting tho negative presented pre-sented clearly front the Bible the Latter-day Saints or "Mormon" view of this important question proving from tho Blblo that there is a plur- nlty ot Gods. I Tho largo congregation that assembled as-sembled had a splendid opportunity of comparing each side of this ques- tlon tfom a Bible standpoint, as weil as reason, Mr. Sylvester Low presided at tho meeting while tho Rev. Mr. Prank of Brtgnam City acted ns moderator for the Rev. Mr. Nutting and Mr. Horace Hancey of Hyde Park acted for Mr. Nielsen. I Tho people who listened to the discussion can determine "for them-! J selves which of tho views is most 'in accordance with the teachings or' the Bible, and both speakers are to bo congratulated on the manner In which the debate was conducted. Bishop and Mrs. C. J. Plowman entertained on Sunday In honor of the birthday anniversary of Mrs." U. T. Merrill, also, Mr. Jack Shilling who was'hotao on a furlough. Dinner was served by the hostess (Mrs. Plowman. There were present besides 'tho guests of honor Mr.J. Jack Shilling,! Mr. and Mrs. David Roskelley, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Plowman Plow-man and Mr. and Mrs. Demar Mor- 'rlll. Mr. J. A. Wright and sos G"an' and Stowart and the Missoj Gladys and Wanda Witght ot Salt Lake City woro tho guests of Mrs. S. P. Nielsen last Friday on routo to tho iYcllowstono Park. Mrs. Martin Roskelley spent Thuibdny In Hydo nPrlc visiting with her patents Mr. and Mis. H. E. Hancey. Han-cey. Mr. and rMs. John Pitcher enter-talned!Mn enter-talned!Mn 'tionor of Mr .and Mrs.-Willard Mrs.-Willard Burgon of Union. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Baker of Logan, Mr .and Mrs. J. W. Pitcher of Cornish, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Pitcher Pitch-er of Logan, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Pitcher or Richmond, Mr. and Mr. J. L. McCracken of Logan, Mr. and Mrs. H, O. Pitcher, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Pitcher, Mr. and Mrs. Alma Raymond, Clayton Raymond and Iretn Pitcher of Smlthfleld. Dainty Dain-ty luncheton wns served at 7 o'clock after whlo hmusic, games and social so-cial chat wcro indulged In. Bishop and Mrs.WInn and Mr.nnd' Mrs. Frank Winn returned Tuosdnv evening from an cnjoyablo tilp to tho Lava Hot, Springs and Arlmo. Mr. and Mrs. Lorln Low and Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Nelson Jr. left on ' Tuesday morning for a week's stay at Bear Lako. Mrs. Emma Thornley and coni Wilson and Clark left Tuesday morn lng for Salt Lake City whero thny I will attend the Timpson reunion which will bo held at Liberty park. Mr. and rMs. Dan Cash entertained enter-tained In honor of Mrs. Cash's birthday birth-day on Monday evening. Those present woro Mcsdamcs Jos. Walte, J. W. Waite. J. N. Walte, F. C. Lee, J. W. Seamons, H. C. Hansey, Geo. Kerby, Miss Ida Woolf ot Hydo Park and Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Reese and Mrs. Johathan Smith ot Benson, Mrs. Suslo Surgent of Rlgby, Idaho' and Mr. L. L. Casli of Smlthfleld. Mrs. Richard Tool son spent Thursday In Hydo Park vlsltinjj with N her parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. R. Ashcroft. Mr. and Mrs. 7. T. Hind, Mr and Mrs: L. J. Plowman, Bp. C. J. Plowman, Mr. and Mrs. David Itor-kelley Itor-kelley and Mrs. Louis Plowman spent Tuesday In Logan Canyon. Mr, Joseph McCaun spent last week at Brighaiu and Ogden on business, Tho Llborty Swarm of Bee lilvo girls returned from their outing at Bear Lnko. ! Dr. and Mrs. G. I.. Reese lott hero Tuesday afternoon ami met Dr. ami Mrs. McGco of Logan and they all motorodtOJj tho Yellowstone Nn- t..- . it tlonnl Park. Mrs. J. C. Johnson ot Logan, mother of Mrs. Richaul Roskelley, i and daughters Mis. Mable Stockiu ot Tromonto Mis. Pearl Carter and Mrs. Clara Johnson of Logan woro guests ot Mrs. Roskelley on Friday. Tho Eagle Swarm of Bco HUo girls under the leadership of Mica Lola Farrell met and wero entertained enter-tained at tho Collet Hotel on Tucr-day Tucr-day evening. Refreshments were served and the gills planned a trip to Bear Lako. Bp. and Mrs, Winn and family, Mrs. Nollio Evans of Salt Lako City and Mrs. Hannah Weeks spent Thursday In Logan Canyon. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. TldowcU motored to Arlmo Idaho, Tuesday to spend a fow days with their sou ii Frank and family. Miss Mnry Brighton of Salt Lako City Is hero spending n fow dns with tho Thornley family. Mr. and Mis. Georgo Nelson, Jool Nelson ad Geo. Done loft Sat. for n fhhlng trip up through Ailmo nnl Soda Springs. Idaho. Mr. nnd Mrs. Georgo Klngsford Mrs. M. Roskclloyy and Floiln Rot'l motored to Clovoland and tho hot Springs on Sunday. Mrs. Beatrico Olney nnd daughters daugh-ters retuined from a few days vUlt at Salt Lake City. Mr.-and Mrs. Truman Hillynrd are rejoicing over a flno 9 pound sou who arrived on Tuesday morning morn-ing Aug. 20 th. Mr. and Mrs. A. Rico and Mr nnd Mis. Andrew Garnet are spending tho week at Soda Springs and Ben-Lake. Ben-Lake. . , The Ho-Pa-Lo Swarm or Boo hlvj girls under tho leadership of Mlw Alta Nelson have been busy during !io summer nt their nicotines In i.. 1: z a number of useful articloi for ..V Rod Cross among them nr-J l!.u. o:cliu .J( napkins, kit, knU .:. !i cl : .'d other thing'! which havt .. made by each member ut th. .zy nwa-r.1. Dr. t. J Mrs. T. V. Jarvlo returned return-ed from their Dcr.r Lako trip laut fcj 1 'V. Tho . .Z 0noi Sv.nim of the be hlvo gills un io .!io direction of Misi Violet Petorson, spent Tuoi-day Tuoi-day and Wednesday of last week up tho canyon. Mr. and Mrs. William Hlllyaid and Mr. nnd Mis. Hnzzen Hlllyard left Tuesday for an outing up Lo,-nn Lo,-nn Canyon,. Miss Eunice Woodruff and Jenn'o Lewis returned Sunday from u pleasant trip to Bear Lake. Mrs. Lesllo Tldwell returned homo after having spent a week at Wos- I ton with her sister Mrs. W. Crocket. I Mrs, Mada Nelson Is at Logan 'visiting her grand parents Mr. and Mis. John Hnriy. Tho Allies Swntnt ot beo-hlvo girls with Mis. J. A. Gutko as their lcad-or lcad-or went to Logan on Wednesday evening and enjoyed n swim In tho pool. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Tldowell returned re-turned fiom Bluo Creek Sunday a) after having spent a fow days with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Roskelley. Mr. N. O. Gullonskog nnd dnught-j cr Laurnlne, retuined from Gnnnet Idaho on Sunday after spending thhrce weeks with Mr. Gullonskog'a daughter Mrs. Geo. Cohoon. , Mrs. R. T. Merrill entertained on Thursday", tho ladles club at hor homo, a dandy 'lunch was sorvod. Word has been received by Mrt. ,Maud Roskelley that hor son Lorln has arrlveA safely In Franco. |