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Show L American Soldiers Turn The Tide Of Great Battle I Paris, Juno G. Tho Intervention 'H ot American forces In the new bat- H tie ot the Marne has been most of- H fcctlve. Their feat in throwing tho jH enemy back north ot Noullly la H Potrlo wood has proved that the ul- . H lied reserves are ot tho first quality. H Although tho Impetus of tho Ger- H man drlvo has been stopped, tho H battle has not yot reached Its full H development. Fresh troops are ex- H pected to bo thrown In by both sides. '"bbbbbbbbbbbI Tho situation Is much better. Vll- H lages have been lost and retaken, H with the gains about equal. Tho ene- J my has been unable to progress be- J tween the Olse and the Alsne, nor "'bHHHh between the Ourcq and the Marne, bHHHh where he Is trying to push toward H Meaux twenty-one miles from Paris. H Before tho Germans can continue .H their drivo toward Paris they must H take Vlllers Cotterets forest about H midway between SoUsons and Cha- H tcau Ehlorry. They have attempted aH this unsuccessfully for the last threa H dayB, despite heavy reinforcements. B Vllelrs Cotterets forest extends tH from a point about six miles south- H west of SoUsons to a paint about 'iH fifteen miles northwest ot Cbauteau u'H Thierry. From those points It ex- Oill tends westward for about ten miles. tssiiiiiiH Tho battle lino extends all along tho f eastern edge ot tho forest from Tro- 1 esnes northward past Longpolnt. "bHHHh South ot the Alsne the French tsiiiiiH line passing through hCaudum, five 'H miles south and west of Solssons, H has been brought back about three iH kilometers, about jme and threa .bHHIh quarters miles,) to the northeastern edge ot the Vlllers Cottere,U forest. H This has greatly Improved French ,H positions here, suppressing a sharp ViH Threa German armies on three '".sHHH roads to Paris down the valley ot -AV tie Alsne, Ourcq "and ' Marne are "'Isl how blocked, temporarily, at least. ' H Tho allies are holding solid positions , H along these roads and there is every .jH reason to believe that the blockade B may be permanent. |