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Show '- '7" -pnir-s.. v mw Bear RivirititUhr.Fi. ftf- ''" ' I"8"111?6 Company K', ' Operating In Uo.v Ehl'cr, Cliche, Bv""' IUch wid Wcbor Coill.tlos. ' Kn. Hi'f , dorscil.by "Tho Vcdcrnl ' Form BM' i' Laud Burenui" K"e 5 v ?Itto4tf Per Cent of Old K. f '' ' I4'110 Companies' H'f 'fr?'1 - piisultSvitTtn'rTfs of Farm Bu-B;l'j,-tv; rs ','' '' ' County. TJicsr mr'' .,' SycretarlcJi;. are Agents For This Hi' Compaiir. - - H fi h aassas!ssMBHsarf' t MMjggjjgjpjpjpMSjaMBM n, EnASSIFl-E'-D."1- i AJDVRTISING tormsr or vlll trade for homo In Lo-jgan, Lo-jgan, 187 jacres good farm land, fncedv House, good well) canal throub-lr iind, 100 acres cultivated, 27(. n.crce Irrigated, 2acros nlfalr fa, good stand. F, M. Richards, Lo- Ka", phono 820-w.. . 8-0 '. : , " ' '' ' t ': ' . FOR SAM! Almost now baby buggy for sale. Apply at Now-bold's Now-bold's store. " ' Adv'-S'-S i . , ' ?. Brwff!aBrWHHSHHiHiiB5wBPilKjTB I PaKikBMriiOfl!lrHHMVMs&r' tl lsS!9HHHklHKS9lHliHHkkki H gBBBBBBBBJI IBBBBBBBBaty BBBBBBBBS7I IBBBBBBBBBBBI Bfl VjMuWgr mf iiBllBBBBBBfl I BBBBBBI Cr "' Iwl '"W wBv b0 IbBBBBBbB I V ThisNewl7RmANfKBaW'srfeth f , I recognised standard of perfection and efnttorry thru I "10 years of concentration on one type of warnlae ' ' 1 p J the LuhvklixalI?ump-ValvaChamoer Milker. I y- f Thli specialization hat meant refinement la design 1 31,999 1 amj workmanship, insured mechanical betterments. 1 SeU f insured adaptability to the great variety ofphy steal lltYeare M I conditions found in every dairy herd, The cow 1 -. ,. does not have to be adapted to the HINMAN. Odd "" Vcows, nervous cows, easy milkers, bard milkers. 1 ljr and cowa with uneven udders, are made comfort ftmau' JUm able by the HINMAN Individu&l Pump Single Unit "Stg dLSL adaptable-to-each-cow-machlne.tnat milks the aaaae (HpAtH wJ'Bjway day in and day out, year in and year out Ty TTssffs Study Speclflcatlons ' TbJJT I f OAPAOITV I lmin 3mlUMt Wto23coitr lvl"vrft """ hour. JiLflBsl U .iwpfr- m'JTlr-r- POWKilll'RQt7ll'(kDi ln.r. prlnslennlt; rUKm ' flrti r rV?? r-r : - ' tuorhorKU vacuum valve citAMHKni vl lliW M.rji " "" "" "T iT ratentoa; ftutomauo opcraUi ilth no adjutt- u 1 tW ' ym npnt. vzMBJy f , DRlluUNTAni.K CLAWt kmihImi tel cupn, l Imnro-eilmoiuhnlprf. rubber'. peclAi ffradn ruhbrrtuijlnj. m I 03) ISMVIDUAirroUTAaLErUMVl ellmlntei Uuk- n4 plpa 1 jlJT AI!l"co"lir8TRESISTIOPAIL: irlUl ptUatcd ball Krt for -. ' I lrX InH'IJi' Cow IUcorJ can b kept, fM f HtLa This New Catalog ii Ready J3f f fjlKlV Write me, tUting how many cows you m Ilk, nd fwlll hare mSatwwkJ V 11 111 Mr. Hlnman send you this catalog free. It will tell you bow WW xsBw XVf4lu to cut production coett. loves tlgate NOW. SPB 'W Geirter Sales Co., Dealers In Delco MiWVy . Lights, 135 N. Slain. State Agents. &' .- I FRUIT JARS ! MASON HALF GALLON, per doz $1.20 MASON-QUARTS, per doz .88 MASON PINTS, per doz ,. .80 , -" - RUBBERS, HEAVY-rper gross .75 :. RUBBERS, HEAVY per half gross -.40 RUBBERS, HEAVY per 3 doz .. . .23 ' ,,, -CAPS Mason Alunvium, doz , .29 .,.' v. " CAPS Mason White Crown, doz .20" -, " ' CANNED MILK Canned Pineapple - targe, per case $5.50 No. 2 Cans, per doz.' .$2.15 r' "' " ; ! Large per 'doz. ., 1.40 No''2 cans-.l'er "oz. ...";n.l.O - ' '"' No. 2 Cans, por can 13o ' .. . '" 'Large; 'per can 12c No x Cans'po'rdoz $1.25 ' ' I1''"' Small, per doz : 100 Ko 1 Cans, per ?4 do?., '65c ' 'V'""" .''.'" v No. 1 cans, per can,, ...,11c J.;."' Small,- por can 06c "' ' ' '' . A;. i Uj!!!f!L- Best-XJoffeei'-t ' "S ' . . . . HFjVo p'ouf?lWs5'lbf33'c' ' 'j'4 i - ."!- BUTTER ' ' ' Tlirw-pouiH(lot,Ter lb. 3B"o. ;'' , .. , Small pound 36o - - 1 . 4'repk vCreainery, per. IbS ,.D2c . . .The'-Coffto With ftJ-'Invor , . OOrSUIVIERS BE11TER GROCERIES FQR LESS r No. 54 W. 1st North.' - - , Phone 262 j 'j; United States Food Administration Llcenso Number G 37203 - ' " - ' ' " .' ' ; .4 ' - ' ' I. s |