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Show A NntMade Butter Made From Cocoanuts at the Price of ANIMAL FAT-MADE Oleomargarine This is to users of oleomargarine. Also to butter users who rebel at butter's cost Some Old-World scientists have solved the problem of making butter out of cocoanuts. Think of that It is made from that delicious nut-meat which you use in shredded form on cake. It is churned with milk to give it butter flavor. A capsule of butter color comes in every carton. So it looks and tastes like butter of the finest grade. But this vegetable fat comes from Tropic cocoanuts. Thp NfltVlP Tmm It has the same food value as butter. It looks and All AiUlsV tastes like butter. And you rarely find a butter so This product is called Troco. It is made in Mil- pure and sweet as Troco. waukee by the Troco Nut Butter Company, in a model modern creamery. CZrontot IPmnrkmr We use the identical process which is used in ? U,CMW JVUUUiny Europe, where this new delicacy was created. Troco costs about the same as high-grade Any grocer will supply it to you under this oleomargarine. Its use will save you much, as guarantee: compared with butter at the average price. "If one pound of Troco fails to prove itself You sacrifice nothing whatever. You get no the best article you ever tasted in place of but' lard, no oleo in it. You get nothing but the ter, we will gladly return your money." fat of the cocoanut, churned with milk and ." " 'Salted. '' . ; ; IVffldp tynm CnmnnniQ For vour own sake, try one pound. It will be iriwwt; fr u,n JULUUnut&- a revelation. If you are not delighted, get your The usual oleomargarine is made, as you know, money back. from beef fat, hog fat and often cotton seed oil. It is churned with milk, as Troco is, to give it butter Notice: Under the law, all butter substitutes flavor. must be branded Oleomargarine. That law was It is a cleanly, healthful product. But lard and pated Tfs invcnt:d So the Troco oleo seem uninviting spreads. That's why so package is branded Oleomargarine" though there many cling to butter, despite the butter cost. n?1teo in " . Ri Trn,n Mm u. u-i "a. i 1 All butter substitutes must also pay an extra tax out Iroco comes from the white meat of the c c t 3 . cocoanut. No food in the .world is more appealing. IVPfTTVT XTfYWT" Order a pound or two of Troco JJlLVJllN 1M J VV today. Your dealer has it, or can mmmmm. get it easily. Put Troco to a '..km.- competitive test. Both your palate and your pocketbook will decide in ' "! , ; , favor of Troco. If you arc not pleased, your money back " ", . . , . . .:- . . Troco Nut Butter Company, Milwaukee, wis. UTAH WHOLESALE GROCERY CO. Distributors 1 TELL YOUR WIFE CORNS LIFT OFF j Doesn't hurt a bit to lift corns : or calluses off with fingers Not a twinge of pitin or soreness bc(or applying, or afterwards. This -may sound like a dream to corn-pestered men end women who have been cutting, filing and wearing torturous plasters. Yil Corns lift out and oalluses peel off at if by magic, says this Cincinnati authority. A quarter ounce of freefone costs but a few cents at any drug store. Apply a few drops directly upon your tender corn or callus, and instantly the soreness sore-ness disappears; then shortly the corn or clla will I so loose that it lifts oft". Frcezone dries instantly. It doesn't .eat out the corn or callus, but just shrivels it up so it lifts away without even irritating the surrounding skin. Women should keep itin the dresier and never let a corn or callus ache twice. For entertaining friends for the family witi meals or j?Vk A between meals-'-any lime! There's no beverage that qnite pj) jl T' "hits the spot"as does BECCO the true, pure food beterage, A Order From ll I j N G. L. RECKEK, MFGR., MNGIIAM, UTAH. jJ I Bread ' crumbs ami Male pieecs of jbread are delicious nude into jnnl-jdings jnnl-jdings or useo! in scalloped di.slies. |