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Show THE PIONEERS 1 Haggard and worn their journey was completed; E With grateful hearts thoy viewed the landscape o'er fl Though dismal was tho prospect which they greeted. w Solltudo unthroned held blessings great in store, FJ r With upraised hands they blessed the barren soil, I From mountain tops to waters in the lnke; i Such consecration with nlacrlous toll, Brings its reward and compensation make. 1 Mr. David Reese, a native of Blackwood, Wales, who spent seven years on a mission In that country, and his wife a native of Pembrokeshire, Pembroke-shire, South Wales, wcro one of four couples that wero married aboard the Chlmborazo, shortly before landing In this country. They crossed tho plains In 1855. Four years later thoy came to Logan and camped on tho present IHgBQfKvvaSBv-vn DAVID REESE Mr. Mclklo was born In Hamilton, Lancashire,, Scotland, In July, 1839. He camo to America In 1853 and crossed tho plains with tho second hand cart company under Daniel D. McArthur, arriving In Salt Lako City, JAMES MEIKLE September 28, of tho samo year. In March of 18G0 ho camo to Cacho Valloy, Val-loy, lived In Logan for a short tlmo, afterwards moving to 8mlthfle!d, his present homo. To he and his first wife, Harriet L. Melkle, whom ho slto of th6 Descrct Mills. They selected se-lected that spot on account of Indians In-dians becauso It offered n goo view of the surrounding country at that i tlmo. Thcro wero about fifty Indian wickiups standing -near where tho Brlgham Young College now stands. Mr. lteeso was born Juno 28, 1S30; died February 13, 1909. His wlfo who ! was born November 12, 1883 survives hlra. MRS DAVID REESE married In 18U4, eight children wero born, six boys nnd two girls, llvo of : whom are living. Ho married a socond wlfo, Lavlna N., In October 1872. From that marrlago six girls woro born, llvo of whom aro living. AND HIS WIFE J Mrs. Harriet Melkle was born in f Wattford, England, 1837 nnd died on L March 25, 1915. Mrs. Lavlna N. n Melkle was born in Hartford, Eng- It land, in 1839, and died November, 1900. |