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Show GAS AND WATER 13 ONE A3 NECESSARY A3 THE OTHER? Citizens of Large Cities Say It Is. Now York, June 13. In tho recent agitation here about the price of gas, the demand for lowor rates was supported sup-ported by the argument that every resident Is as dependent upon a supply sup-ply of gas as upon a supply of good wator. It has come to pass that tho day laborer uses gas as his only fuel for cooking, becauso of economy, and the rich man uses gas on nccount of Its convenience. (Ins for lighting, with modern Improvements In burners, Is cheaper, hotter and moro satisfactory than any other kind of light, (las sells at J 1-00 per thousand ruble feet In large cities and from that to as high as $3 00 ln smaller towns. The consumer of gas in tho country uses Acetylene (pronounced a-set-a-lone), and each user makes his own gas and Is Independent of Gas and Electric Companies. Acotylene Is a moro perfrot lllumlnant than tho gas sold by tho big gas companies In tho cltlos, and the cost to tho smallest user ls about tho equivalent of city gas at 85 cents per thousand. Acotylene Is the modern artificial light, the latest addition to the many Inventions that have become dally necessities. Tho light from an acetylene flame Is soft, stehdy and brilliant, and In quality ls only rivaled by tho sun's rays. If water and a solid material known as Calcium Carbide are brought Into contact, tho Immediate rosult ls tho making of this wonderful wonder-ful gas. The generation of acotylene Is so slmplo that experience or even apparatus Is not necessary to make It. If It Is desired to make It for practical prac-tical lighting, and to keep it for Immediate Im-mediate UBe, then a small machine called an "Acetylene Generator" Is employed. There are many responsible responsi-ble concerns making acetylene generators. gener-ators. In practice, this gas Is distributed dis-tributed In small pipes throughout buildings, grounds, or entire cities and towns, ln tho samo manner as ordinary city gas. Acetylene Is the only satisfactory means of lighting Isolated buildings located In tho country coun-try or suburbs at a distance from elty gas or electric plants. |