Show CONSOLIDATION IS POSTPONED Five High Schools of Cache County Will Operate at Usual Next Year The proposed consolidation of the flvo Cache county high schools will not bo accomplished this year as contemplated. con-templated. The Logan Rapid Trtpslt company cannot assure the board of education that the car line will bo completed In time to transport high school students stu-dents and without this assurance the Boajd of Education do not feel Justified Justi-fied in carrying out tho consolidation plan. Eairller In tho year the railway officials gavo assurances that tho road would bo completed from Wollsvlllo to Preston. Unforeseen difficulties have arisen which mako tho tlmo of the completion of tho road Indefinite. Decauso of these conditions It' has been decided to continue the flvo high schools In Cacho county. |