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Show I NEEDFUL KNOWLEDGE I Logan People 8hou.d Learn to De-I De-I tect the Approach of Kidney M Disease '"' "xhe symptoms of kidney trouble are many. Disordered klndeys often excrete a thick!" cloudy, offensive urine, fuil of seuimonU Irregular -t passage or attended by a sensation of scalding. The hack may ache, head-aches head-aches and dlziy spells may occur and the victim Is often weighted down by h feeling of languor and fatigue. Neglect Neg-lect these warnings and there Is danger. dan-ger. Delay often proves fatal. You can use no better endorsed kidney kid-ney remedy than Doan's Kidney Pills. Here's Logan proof of their merit. Erastus Petersen, 618 N. Main St. Logan, Utah, says "As the result of a cold settling on my kidneys and etralns from exertion I had an attack at-tack of lame back. I began using Doan's Kidney Pills and they cured mo.. I do not hesitate to tell my ex-H ex-H perlence with Bonn's Kldnoj Pills." I For sale by all dealers. Price GO jH cents. Foater-MUburn Co. Buffalo, U New York, sole agents for the United j States. EH Remember the name Doan's and H take no other. |