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Show GENTILE VALLEY VIAPRESTON Railroad Activity Near Bancroft and Alexander May Mean New Rail. road for Cache. Hyrpm Joppeson and W. O. Deaton recently camo from their homes at Bancroft, Idaho, whero the railroad company Is stimulating business by tho expenditure ot money. A stcol water tank Is being built ot three hundred thousand gallons capacity aUo a now coal shuto. This outlay will cost about $160,000. Tho gentlemen stato that a double track will soon bo completed from Pocatello to that point, nlso that twolvo irilles ot track Is layed south ot Alexander on tho proposed routo Bouth through Gontllo Valley Via Pres tou and then on two Logan. Tho report re-port Is that crops never looked better. bet-ter. el |