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Show I mm hULUb M CIA TO LINE r U. 8 WILL TAKE NO PART IN TW ., CONFERENCE UNLESS DE. 1 f: MANDS ARE MET i Chinese Federal Officials Handicap. Fire ped In Complying With Do- 1 mand That Guilty Be Tried Openly ' Pekln. Tho For Eastorn Times, ro- sr viewing tho developments nrlslng t from tho failure of tho Fodorol Tolo- Wed graph company to rectify its contract wen with China, togothor with tho compll- Bt0r, cations resulting from the Coltman goui shooting, points out tho International nm, situation Monday. guffi Tho papor, odltod by nienox Simp- Afto son, adviser to tho proaldont ot flroi China, says: "It is now stated that men unless tho Federal contract Is oxo- hod cuted, tho United States -wilt docllno 8mn to pnrtielpato in tho nino-powor con tho ference. and "Early last month Socrotary of Fi Stato Hughes handod Ambassador Pior Hanlhara a noto in which tho wholo It is Amorlcan attltuod was defined, it bo- ruin lag reiterated that in no circum- pros stances would tho United States con- was sent to any modification ot tho opon tho door policy, of which tho Fedoral con. Tl tract must bo considered an lntogarl to n part. Although copies of this note tho havo boon rocolved at Pokln, tho soc- cave rotary of tho Japanese logatlon has rotal informed tho Chlnoso govornmont proti that nogotiutlons regarding tho wire- hrac less stations In China lmvo been lll,s- transferred to Washngton. tho i Dealing with tho caso ot tho Amor-. tnl lean, Coltman, who was shot by 0,0 ' Clilnose soldlors as ho was leaving nni1 Knlgan for Urga after procuring cer- u, tala credoatials from the Chlnose uu- aowi thorltlos for the exportation ot silver currency, which was prohibited, the Times says: " , "No progress appears to have been -5reT raodo toward a settlement. Contrary to the statements of various news . . agencies, the paramount American demand is tliot all concerned in tho nnJ case should be brought to trial as Uiey would bo elsewhore. p ' |