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Show THERE IS PLENTY OF IDIIErilBBJ: Analysis Shows That Cottonwood" Water Is Pure Peopls of Bingham-Assist Bingham-Assist In Movement to Prevent Waste Carr Fork Water Not Ut Now. . ; , iBingham now has an edquate supply sup-ply of good pure water. The water-master water-master states that the Oarr Fork wa- , ter has not been turned on for more than a week and that the supply from Cotton wod is ample to .meet all neces- ; sary demands. The people of Bing- . . ham did not hesitate to fall in line when called upon to do so by' the ad- ministration. v Ht had been the custom here to waste more water than was used. This ' was due to the fact that a great many people left their water pipes open at 1 night to prevent them freezing. Therefore There-fore more water was used at night . than in day time. (When it was announced through this paper that all persons who permitted their pipes to run at night would b disconnected and prosecuted. It was generally expected that there would be-a be-a number of prosecutions, but so far' there has not been a single complaint, and everybody la getting all the water-that water-that Is necessary. Another fact which will be of Interest Inter-est to the people is that the water from Cottonwood la pure, according to-analysis to-analysis made by the state chemist Following is report of test made of this water: ' Sanitary Water Analysis. ' Sample marked "Water from Cottonwood Cot-tonwood Tunnel. Bingham, Utah." i Submitted bj Dr. T. IB. iBeatty, secretary sec-retary State oBard of Health. Collected by Sanitary Inspector Mr. Schwartz. date collected June 58th, 191T. 1 ' ' Date received June i28th, I917, 3:40 p. m. - ' ' Quantity One quart In fruit Jar. not sealed. -Information. No Information regarding source, surrounding conditions, possible contaminations, con-taminations, suspected, if any, contain- i inatlons or other data were supplied. Analysis. . fA) Physical: Color 'Bluish tint. . ; - Odor None. Odor upon heating None. Taste Somewhat peculiar. Clearness Fairly bright Sediment Slight, greyiBh floccu-lent. floccu-lent. (B) Chemical: . ' . Reaction Neutral. Nitrates None. Nitrites 'None. Sulphuretted Ulydrogen None. Alkaline Sulphides None. "Metallic Impurities None. Total Dissolved Solids Dried at il2 deg. F. per U. S. gallon, 41.755 grains. Composition of the solids Usual water constituents. Volatile Matter per U. 8. Gallon 7)92 grains. " Actual (Mineral Solids per TJ. 8. gal- : Ion 36.163 grains. j Residue Greyish, amorphous. Upon Up-on gentle Ignition of the residue no foreign odor is omitted. Furthermore, the residue does not cinder, char or blacken, but darkens a little. Chlorine per U. S. gallon 1,575 grains. Corresponding to Sodium .Chloride 2.609 grains. Organic matter (a) Free Ammonia, 1 .055 part per gallon., (b) Albuminoid Ammonia .060 part per pgallon. To- ,tal Ammonia .1.15 part per gallon. 1(c) Oxygen consumed .70 part per gall m. .... . Remarks The sample submitted contains a rather liberal amount of ; solids and Is of "good organic purity." ' Respectfully, (HKIIMAN HARMS.: |