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Show GOL. G. F. LOOSE CLOSES DOWN GOpJUl MINE ' , CoL C. E. ilxxwe, manager of the Grand Central Gold claim and Iron. King properties In TJntic. hsa tempo rarily closed the Gold Chain. Mr. Ix)ose says that the company has been making little or no money, and that, ( in view of the threatened labor trou- L bles, he decided to suspend opera- L tions. When thlB situation Is cleared " --.5..- up the mine will no doubt be reopened, reopen-ed, but Mr. iI-ooBe has decided that it Is not worth while quarreling with the men If they do not see fit to, work for the wages offered. About 25 men were on the pay roll at the Gold Chain mine at the time the property was closed. The mine has been shipping in the neighborhood of 20 carloads of ore a month, but it hns been rather a low-grade product. t' The Gold Chain has paid no dividends T in recent years. |